windows phone 8 - Invalid XAML suddenly in DataTemplate for longlistselector items (WP8) -

had error few days ago , seemed go away. wont go away. getting adcontrol error: applicationid , adunitid need set before using control adcontrol set exact same way in app don't see issue , cant find information on it.

edit: if remove portion of code double brackets }}, invalid error goes away. removed adcontrol isolate error well. however, when run app, still this:

**a first chance exception of type '' occurred in      additional information: not load file or assembly ', culture=neutral, publickeytoken=null' or 1 of dependencies. system cannot find file specified.** 

i have uninstalled , reinstalled wptoolkit. im using similar code , wptoolkit in app , not give me error. else can do?

invalid xaml:

<datatemplate x:key="soundtiledatatemplate">     <stackpanel>         <grid margin="0,5,6,0" height="100" width="140"               toolkit:tilteffect.istiltenabled="true">             <border borderbrush="#ff49a609" borderthickness="1" cornerradius="3,3,3,3" background="{staticresource phoneaccentbrush}" opacity=".6"/>             <textblock text="{binding title}" fontsize="19" textwrapping="wrap" width="140"  fontfamily="/bbsm;component/fonts/123sketch.ttf#123sketch" textalignment="center" />             <image source="/assets/tiles/trxhsbrgicon.png" width="30" verticalalignment="bottom" horizontalalignment="right" margin="0,0,6,6" visibility="{binding status, converter={staticresource downloadstatustoiconvisibilityconverter}}" />             <progressbar height="12" verticalalignment="bottom" padding="0" margin="0" foreground="{staticresource phoneforegroundbrush}" value="{binding downloadprogress}" visibility="{binding status, converter={staticresource downloadstatustoprogressbarvisibilityconverter}}"/>         </grid>     </stackpanel> </datatemplate>  <datatemplate x:key="extrastiledatatemplate">     <stackpanel>         <toolkit:contextmenuservice.contextmenu>             <toolkit:contextmenu iszoomenabled="false" >                 <toolkit:menuitem header="save ringtone"  command="{binding savesoundasringtone}" commandparameter="{binding filepath}" />             </toolkit:contextmenu>         </toolkit:contextmenuservice.contextmenu>         <grid margin="0,5,6,0" height="100" width="140"               toolkit:tilteffect.istiltenabled="true">             <border borderbrush="#ff49a609" borderthickness="1" cornerradius="3,3,3,3" background="{staticresource phoneaccentbrush}" opacity=".6"/>             <textblock text="{binding title}" fontsize="19" textwrapping="wrap" width="140"  fontfamily="/bbsm;component/fonts/123sketch.ttf#123sketch" textalignment="center" />             <image source="/assets/tiles/trxhsbrgicon.png" width="30" verticalalignment="bottom" horizontalalignment="right" margin="0,0,6,6" visibility="{binding status, converter={staticresource downloadstatustoiconvisibilityconverter}}" />             <progressbar height="12" verticalalignment="bottom" padding="0" margin="0" foreground="{staticresource phoneforegroundbrush}" value="{binding downloadprogress}" visibility="{binding status, converter={staticresource downloadstatustoprogressbarvisibilityconverter}}"/>         </grid>     </stackpanel> </datatemplate> 


<ui:adcontrol applicationid="*********" adunitid="******" width="480" isautorefreshenabled="true" grid.row="1" height="80"/> 

when run project following. continue after each one, , app runs, pivot headers screwed app seems functional.

a first chance exception of type 'microsoft.advertising.shared.adexception' occurred in  additional information: can not use pubcenter ids testing in emulator. if want test these ids, please deploy application device. otherwise please change applicationid "test_client" , adunitid 1 of supported ad types outlined in documentation.  first chance exception of type '' occurred in  additional information: not load file or assembly ', culture=neutral, publickeytoken=null' or 1 of dependencies. system cannot find file specified. 

if using windows phone toolkit have include

 xmlns:toolkit=";" xmlns:cc=";" 

in *.xaml page


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