GIT manages file by storing diff? -

i attended lecture class there understood whenever change made in file ,git doesn't store diff rather stores new snapshot of modified file in new version. have few questions :

  1. my understanding of concept correct or not ?
  2. if yes, how storing entire file better storing diffs between 2 version of same file ?is not wastage of space ?
  3. why need add before doing commit on file, why cant done directly? (i know off hook)

please correct me if misunderstood anything.

don't mix revision , storage.

  • revision is, opposed other vcs, complete file system. git doesn't build current revision delta previous ones: references everything.
    see git basics

since git @ core content manager, 2 files same content stored once.

as for index, allows prepare next commit, not files want add, in case, part of files want add.
see also:
