ajax - How read .json file in angular js -
here want read .json file. have read in controller. getting while reading .json file. quiz.json:
[ { "data":{ "questions":{ "level":[ { "question":[ { "title":"what sapĀ® stand for?", "answer":[ "services application programming", { "_correct":"1", "__text":"systems, applications, , programs" }, "sino-american peace", "statistical analysis program" ] }, { "title":"what tcode mean?", "answer":[ "television code", "translation code", "transition code", { "_correct":"1", "__text":"transaction code" } ] }, } } ]
i tried read got unexpected token /. can suggest how read it?
the json posted incorrect.
this format needs their:
$scope.questions = [ { "data":{ "questions":{ "level":[ { "question":[ { "title":"what sapĀ® stand for?", "answer":[ "services application programming", { "_correct":"1", "__text":"systems, applications, , programs" }, "sino-american peace", "statistical analysis program" ] }, { "title":"what tcode mean?", "answer":[ "television code", "translation code", "transition code", { "_correct":"1", "__text":"transaction code" } ] } ] } ] } } } ];
and html used traverse json in angular:
<div ng-app> <div ng-controller = "test"> <div ng-repeat="data1 in questions"> <div ng-repeat="question in data1.data.questions.level"> <div ng-repeat="levelquest in question.question"> {{levelquest.title}} </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>
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