data mining - how can help in nlp -

i working on nlp, collecting interest based data web pages.

i came across source being helpful in nlp stuff.

i go through documentation, can see adds additional tag properties identify html tag content.

it may search engine specific data per user query.

it says : provides collection of shared vocabularies webmasters can use mark pages in ways can understood major search engines: google, microsoft, yandex , yahoo!

but don't understand how can me being nlp guy? parse web page content process , extract data it. may there, don't know how utilize it.

any example or guidance appreciable. uses microdata format representation. people use microdata text analytics , extracting curated contents. there can numerous application.

  1. suppose want create news summarization system. can use hnews microformats extract relevant content , perform summrization onit

  2. suppose if have review based search engine, want list products positive review. can use hreview microfomrat extract reviews, perform sentiment analysis on identify product has -ve or +ve review

  3. if want create skill based resume classifier extract content hresume microformat. can give various details contact (uses hcard microformat), experience, achievements , related work, education , skills/qualifications, affiliations , publications , performance/skills performance etc. can perform classifier on classify cvs particular skillsets

thought not helps directly nlp guys, provides platform perform text processing in better way.

check out see various mircorformat, same page give more details.
