java - JSON Parsing Error - Unable to update core database values -

i using jax-rs on angularjs, have hit stumbling block due json parsing errors.

using jsonlint can see issues, cannot update underlying database values causing issue correct characters (corporate data warehouse)...i in trouble can't return data @ application because small handful of records have non compliant characters in them.

what general approach dealing these kind of issues? search , replace non ascii- characters @ java end in setter?


error chrome:

syntaxerror: unexpected token      @ object.parse (native)     @ ub (http://localhost:8080/misf-web/lib/angular/angular.min.js:13:122)     @ e.defaults.transformresponse (http://localhost:8080/misf-web/lib/angular/angular.min.js:98:83)     @ http://localhost:8080/misf-web/lib/angular/angular.min.js:97:347     @ array.foreach (native)     @ n (http://localhost:8080/misf-web/lib/angular/angular.min.js:6:470)     @ yb (http://localhost:8080/misf-web/lib/angular/angular.min.js:97:329)     @ c (http://localhost:8080/misf-web/lib/angular/angular.min.js:99:14)     @ (http://localhost:8080/misf-web/lib/angular/angular.min.js:79:437)     @ http://localhost:8080/misf-web/lib/angular/angular.min.js:80:485 angular.min.js:63 (anonymous function) 

sample json output - 1 example causing me not "umlauts"...

{ "approvedpriority": "approved", "disease": "primary sj�grens syndrome", "diseasearea": "inflammation", "projecttype": "nme", "therapyarea": "ri" }

in database disease appears "primary sjögren’s syndrome"

jsonlint reports:

parse error on line 3: ...ed", "disease": "primary sj�grens s ----------------------^ expecting 'string', 'number', 'null', 'true', 'false', '{', '['

it not "umlauts" causing me issues, non printable charachter seems, , 1 odd error hunted down due appears wider hyphen normal.


as far aware requesting utf-8 via jax-rs.

@get     @path("/projects")     @produces(mediatype.application_json + "; charset=utf-8")     public list<project> getallprojects() {         logger.debug("get: list projects");         return projectservice.getallprojects();     } 

i developing on tomcat 7 on windows using eclipse.

seems @produces , adding charset=utf-8 doesn't work.

in end created filter added charset=utf=8 response header before sent , registered provider jersey through application config class.

now works , data being returned perfectly.

why @produces doesn't work mystery.

package com.mycompany.misf.filters;

import; import; import; import;   public class headerresponsefilter implements containerresponsefilter {          public void filter(containerrequestcontext request, containerresponsecontext response) {             mediatype type = response.getmediatype();             if (type != null) {                 string contenttype = type.tostring();                 if (!contenttype.contains("charset")) {                     contenttype = contenttype + ";charset=utf-8";                     response.getheaders().putsingle("content-type", contenttype);                 }             }         } } 

register filter provider.

@applicationpath("resources") public class restapplication extends resourceconfig {     public restapplication() {         hashset<class<?>> c = new hashset<class<?>>();         c.add(personsrestservice.class);         c.add(projectsrestservice.class);          //add         c.add(headerresponsefilter.class);           set<class<?>> classes = collections.unmodifiableset(c);         registerclasses(classes);          property(serverproperties.bv_send_error_in_response, true);     } } 


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