java - how to stop master ajax request if slave ajax request fails in extjs -

i newbie extjs 4.1, developed small app wherein have master , slave concept i.e basis on master's ajax success have fire slave's ajax request, if slave fails master should fail , vice versa. please find below snipnet of code


    ext.define('basel3.controller.contacts', {         extend: '',         stores:[' store goes here...'],         models:[' models goes here...'],         views: [' views goes here...'],         refs:[{             references goes here         }],         init: function(){               this.control({                 ....         })         },         save: function() {               this.getrulesstore().save();               this.getruledetailsstore().save();         }     } 

as in aforementioned code can see have used stores save data in database, fires seperate ajax request, don't want do. below store , model of respective entities.


rule detail:

      ext.define('basel3.model.ruledetail', {          extend: '',          fields: [{name: 'ruledetailid', type: 'int'},          {name: 'ruleid',type: 'string'},          {name: 'attrname',type: 'string'},          {name: 'attrtype',type: 'string'},          {name: 'attroprtr',type: 'string'},          {name: 'attrvalue',type: 'string'}         ]       }); 


    ext.define('basel3.model.rule', {         extend: '',         fields: [{name: 'rulename',type: 'string'},          {name: 'rulegroup', type: 'string'},          {name: 'rulereportname', type: 'string'},          {name: 'rulecategory',type: 'string'},          {name: 'ruletypeid',type: 'string'},          {name: 'rulefactor',type: 'string'},          {name: 'effdate',type: 'date', dateformat :'d-m-y'}         ]     }); 


rule details:

    ext.define('', {       extend: '',       model: '',       autoload: true,       pagesize: 35,       storeid : 'contacts',       autoload: {start: 0, limit: 35},       sorters: ['attrtype'],       groupfield: 'attrtype',                   proxy: {            type: 'ajax',                       api: {         read : 'ruledetail/view.action',         create : 'ruledetail/create.action',         update: 'ruledetail/update.action',         destroy: ''       },       model : '',        reader: {                 //reads data in json format         type: 'json',         root: 'data',         successproperty: 'success'       },        writer: {         type: 'json',           //writes data in json format         writeallfields: true,         encode: true,         root: 'data'       },        listeners: {              //exception handler ajax request         exception: function(proxy, response, operation){             var error = ext.decode(response.responsetext);   {                 title: 'rule details remote exception',                 msg: error.message,                 icon: ext.messagebox.error,                 buttons: ext.msg.ok             });         }     } }     }); 


    ext.define('', {         extend: '',         model: 'intellectb3.model.rule',         storeid : 'rule',         autoload: true,         pagesize: 35,         autosync : true,         autoload: {start: 0, limit: 35},         proxy: {            type: 'ajax',                         api: {            read : 'rule/view.action',            create : 'rule/create.action',            update: 'rule/update.action',            destroy: ''         },         reader: {                                type: 'json',            root: 'data',            successproperty: 'success'        },        writer: {          type: 'json',          //writes data in json format          writeallfields: true,          encode: true,          root: 'data'       },        listeners: {              //exception handler ajax request         exception: function(proxy, response, operation){              var error = ext.decode(response.responsetext);   {                 title: 'rule master remote exception',                 msg: error.message,                 icon: ext.messagebox.error,                 buttons: ext.msg.ok              });         }     } }     }); 

thanks in advance, waiting humble replies


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