html5 video - Loop trough playlist - jquery - videojs -

i'm trying build simple playlist (using videojs , it's dailymotion plugin) combining code snippets. i've managed basic functionality , i'm getting close want. update auto move next item in playlist , move first item again if there's no next item in list. thought use callback when vid ended, doesn't seem work. next item seems random.

    // video ended find next       $("#myplayer").on("ended", function(){           if ($("#list li.selected").next("li").length > 0) {         // there items left play, find next li         $("#list").find("li.selected").next('li').addclass('selected').siblings().removeclass('selected');                     } else {               // no more items left play, start again first li             $("#list").find("li:first").addclass('selected').siblings().removeclass('selected');             }              playerload();   });  

sample html

  <div>playlist - coming up: <span id="current-tag"></span>      </div>      <ul id="list" class="list">     <li class="playlist-item selected first" data-id="x15xo13" class="selected"><a href="#" >item 1</a></li>     <li class="playlist-item" data-id="x1b6fu"><a href="#">item 2</a></li>     <li class="playlist-item" data-id="x21uwpw"><a href="#">item 3</a></li>     <li class="playlist-item" data-id="x1ux5t"><a href="#">item 4</a></li>      </ul> 

whole code far

<script> (function( $ ){  var player = videojs("myplayer");  $( "#prev, #next" ).on('click', function(e) { e.preventdefault()  // find right item load prevnext();  // load player    playerload();    });   $( "#list" ).on('click', 'li', function(e) { e.preventdefault()  // find right item load  $(this).addclass('selected').siblings().removeclass('selected'); // load player  playerload();   });  function initplayer() { ("myplayer", {"techorder": ["dailymotion"]}, function(){ // player (this) initialized , ready. }); }  function prevnext() { // browse through itemlist , highligh selected item var list = $('#list').find('>li'); var $new, $selected = $(".selected"); $new = ( == "prev") ? ($selected.index() == 0 ? list.last() :       $selected.prev()) : ($selected.index() == list.last().index() ? list.first() :     $; $selected.removeclass("selected"); $new.addclass("selected"); $("#current-tag").text($new.attr('class') + $new.index());  }  function playerload() { // load player initplayer();   // list should updated , ready either click or previous/next selected value or after ended callback var itemurl = $("#list").find("li.selected").data('id'); var baselink = "" + itemurl + "?api=postmessage&autoplay=1&related=0&chromeless=1&controls=html&format=json&html=1&id=myplayer_dailymotion_api&info=1&logo=1&origin=http%3a%2f%2flocalhost&" + itemurl + "&wmode=opaque";     player.ready(function() {   $("#myplayer").removeclass("vjs-playing").addclass("vjs-paused");   $("#myplayer_dailymotion_api").hide();   $("#myplayer iframe").removeattr("src");   $("#myplayer iframe").attr("src", baselink);   $(".vjs-big-play-button").css("display","none!important");;   $("#myplayer_dailymotion_api").show();    // video ended find next   $("#myplayer").on("ended", function(){           if ($("#list li.selected").next("li").length > 0) {         // there items left play, find next li             $("#list").find("li.selected").next('li').addclass('selected').siblings().removeclass('selected');                     } else {               // no more items left play, start again first li             $("#list").find("li:first").addclass('selected').siblings().removeclass('selected');             }              playerload();   });     });  }   })( jquery );  </script> 

not precise answer (would have left comment don't have enough rep so) — when video end event occurs how trying locate selected item, traversing next sibling , triggering click event? this:

player.on( 'ended', function() {     $('.selected').next('li').trigger('click'); }); 

as far looping when reach last list-item in $#list element why not use jquery's :last selector ( , .trigger click event on first item using :first selector (

pretty sure these job done you.


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