sql - How to create a multi-column IN predicate with ActiveRecord? -

i have following 'distances' table:

╔════╦════════════╦════════════╦═════════════════╦═════════════════╦══════════╗ ║ id ║ origin_lat ║ origin_lng ║ destination_lat ║ destination_lng ║ distance ║ ╠════╬════════════╬════════════╬═════════════════╬═════════════════╬══════════╣ ║  1 ║ 1.234567   ║ 2.345678   ║ 3.456789        ║ 4.567890        ║       10 ║ ║  2 ║ 5.678901   ║ 6.789012   ║ 7.890123        ║ 8.901234        ║       20 ║ ╚════╩════════════╩════════════╩═════════════════╩═════════════════╩══════════╝ 

the question is, how can create following sql query (supported postgresql) activerecord, , arel, if necessary:

select *  distances  (origin_lat, origin_lng) in ((1.234567, 2.345678), (5.678901, 6.789012)) , (destination_lat, destination_lng) in ((3.456789, 4.567890), (7.890123, 8.901234)); 

i tried this, doesn't work:

distance.where('(origin_lat, origin_lng) in (?) , (destination_lat, destination_lng) in (?)', [[1.234567, 2.345678], [5.678901, 6.789012]], [[3.456789, 4.567890], [7.890123, 8.901234]]) 

it generates this:

select "distances".* "distances"  ((origin_lat, origin_lng) in ('--- - 1.234567 - 2.345678 ','--- - 5.678901 - 6.789012 ') , (destination_lat, destination_lng) in ('--- - 3.456789 - 4.56789 ','--- - 7.890123 - 8.901234 ')) 

and raises pg::featurenotsupported: error: input of anonymous composite types not implemented

the number of parameters variable, can't hard-code query this:

distance.where('(origin_lat, origin_lng) in ((?,?),(?,?)) , (destination_lat, destination_lng) in ((?,?),(?,?))', 1.234567, 2.345678, 5.678901, 6.789012, 3.456789, 4.567890, 7.890123, 8.901234) 

am going need drop plain sql? :/

i'm guessing has little more this:

element.where('(origin_lat, origin_lng) in ((?,?),(?,?)) , (destination_lat, destination_lng) in ((?,?),(?,?))', 1.234567, 2.345678, 5.678901, 6.789012, 3.456789, 4.567890, 7.890123, 8.901234)


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