php - Yii framework : Display value from relation table in admin form -

i have admin.php created gii, inside there's table column 'lang_id' have relation primary key 'id' of table 'lang'.

what should put in columns array ? think should use "" didn't work.


<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.cgridview', array(     'id'=>'mainmenu-grid',     'dataprovider'=>$model->search(),     'filter'=>$model,     'columns'=>array(         'menu_id',         '',   // want column display name of language, instead of lang_id         'name',         'remark',         array(             'class'=>'cbuttoncolumn',             'template'=>'{update}'         ),     ), )); ?> 


public function relations(){     return array(         'lang'=>array(self::has_one, 'lang', 'lang_id')     ); }  public function search(){     $criteria=new cdbcriteria;      $criteria->compare('id',$this->id,true);     $criteria->compare('menu_id',$this->menu_id);     $criteria->compare('lang_id',$this->lang_id);     $criteria->compare('name',$this->name,true);     $criteria->compare('sorting',$this->sorting);     $criteria->compare('remark',$this->remark,true);      return new cactivedataprovider($this, array(         'criteria'=>$criteria,     )); } 

the relation name lang. whereas in columns array have used lang (with l in uppercase). have this


in columns array

and second thing in search()

you need add 1 more line

$criteria->with = array( 'lang' ); 


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