ruby - rails 4 rspec controllers all failing -

upgrading rails 3.2.17 4.0.1

all rspec's (which passed in 3.2.17) fail undefined method, e.g.

failure/error: delete :destroy, id: @group nomethoderror: undefined method `delete' #<rspec::examplegroups::groupscontroller::viewaccess::deletedestroy:0x000000041bc188>  failure/error: put :update, id: @group, undefined method `put'  #<rspec::examplegroups::groupscontroller::viewaccess::putupdate::invalidattributes  failure/error: post :create, group: factorygirl.attributes_for(:group) undefined method `post' ...  failure/error: :show, id: @group nomethoderror: undefined method `get' #<rspec::examplegroups::groupscontroller::viewaccess::getshow:0x00000004c5f298> 

and lot of

failure/error: session[:user_id] = nameerror:    undefined local variable or method `session' #<rspec::examplegroups::groupscontroller::adminaccess::deletedestroy:0x00000004c1ac10> 

how fix?

spec is:

require 'spec_helper'  describe groupscontroller    describe "admin access"     before :each       @group = factorygirl.create(:group, group_name: 'tools', group_description: 'tools , utilities')       user = factorygirl.create(:user, username: 'mdd', password: 'aaa', password_confirmation: 'aaa')       session[:user_id] =     end      describe 'get #index'           "populates array of groups"         :index         assigns(:groups).should eq([@group])       end        "renders :index view"         :index         response.should render_template :index       end     end      describe 'get #show'           "assigns requested group @group"         :show, id: @group         assigns(:group).should == @group       end        "renders :show template"         :show, id: @group         response.should render_template :show       end     end      describe 'get #new'       "assigns new group @group"         :new         assigns(:group).should be_a_new(group)       end        "renders :new template"         :new         response.should render_template :new       end     end      describe 'get #edit'       "assigns requested group @group"         :edit, id: @group         assigns(:group).should == @group       end        "renders :edit template"         :edit, id: @group         response.should render_template :edit       end     end      describe "post #create"        context "with valid attributes"         "creates new group"           expect{             post :create, group: factorygirl.attributes_for(:group)           }.to change(group,:count).by(1)         end          "redirects new group"           = post :create, group: factorygirl.attributes_for(:group)           response.should redirect_to group.unscoped.last         end       end        context "with invalid attributes"         "does not save new group"           expect{             post :create, group: factorygirl.attributes_for(:invalid_group)           }.to_not change(group,:count)         end          "re-renders new method"           post :create, group: factorygirl.attributes_for(:invalid_group)           response.should render_template :new         end       end      end      describe 'put #update'       context "valid attributes"         "located requested @group"           put :update, id: @group, group: factorygirl.attributes_for(:group)           assigns(:group).should eq(@group)               end          "changes @group's attributes"           put :update, id: @group,              group: factorygirl.attributes_for(:group,                group_name: "test2", group_description: "test2")           @group.reload           @group.group_name.should eq("test2")           @group.group_description.should eq("test2")         end          "redirects updated group"           put :update, id: @group, group: factorygirl.attributes_for(:group)           response.should redirect_to @group         end       end       context "invalid attributes"         "locates requested @group"           put :update, id: @group, group: factorygirl.attributes_for(:invalid_group)           assigns(:group).should eq(@group)               end          "does not change @group's attributes"           put :update, id: @group,              group: factorygirl.attributes_for(:group,                group_name: "xgroup", group_description: 'xgroup')           @group.reload           @group.group_name.should_not eq("larry")           @group.group_description.should_not eq("smith")         end          "re-renders edit method"           put :update, id: @group, group: factorygirl.attributes_for(:invalid_group)           response.should render_template :edit         end       end     end      describe 'delete destroy'       "deletes group"         expect{           delete :destroy, id: @group                 }.to change(group,:count).by(-1)       end        "redirects groups#index"         delete :destroy, id: @group         response.should redirect_to groups_url       end     end   end     describe "view access"     before :each       @group = factorygirl.create(:group, group_name: 'tools', group_description: 'tools , utilities')     end      describe 'get #index'           "populates array of groups"         :index         assigns(:groups).should eq([@group])       end        "renders :index view"         :index         response.should render_template :index       end     end      describe 'get #show'           "assigns requested group @group"         :show, id: @group         assigns(:group).should == @group       end        "renders :show template"         :show, id: @group         response.should render_template :show       end     end      describe 'get #new'       "assigns new group @group"         :new         assigns(:group).should be_nil        end        "renders :new template"         :new         response.should redirect_to ladmin_login_url       end     end      describe 'get #edit'       "assigns requested group @group"         :edit, id: @group         assigns(:group).should be_nil       end        "renders :edit template"         :edit, id: @group         response.should redirect_to ladmin_login_url       end     end      describe "post #create"        context "with valid attributes"         "creates new group"           expect{             post :create, group: factorygirl.attributes_for(:group)           }.to_not change(group,:count)         end          "redirects new group"           post :create, group: factorygirl.attributes_for(:group)           response.should redirect_to ladmin_login_url         end       end        context "with invalid attributes"         "does not save new group"           expect{             post :create, group: factorygirl.attributes_for(:invalid_group)           }.to_not change(group,:count)         end          "re-renders new method"           post :create, group: factorygirl.attributes_for(:invalid_group)           response.should redirect_to ladmin_login_url         end       end      end      describe 'put #update'       context "valid attributes"         "located requested @group"           put :update, id: @group, group: factorygirl.attributes_for(:group)           assigns(:group).should be_nil         end          "changes @group's attributes"                     put :update, id: @group,              group: factorygirl.attributes_for(:group,                group_name: "xtools", group_description: "xtools , utilities")           @group.reload           @group.group_name.should_not eq("xtools")           @group.group_description.should_not eq("xtools , utilities")         end          "redirects updated group"           put :update, id: @group, group: factorygirl.attributes_for(:group)           response.should redirect_to ladmin_login_url         end       end        context "invalid attributes"         "locates requested @group"           put :update, id: @group, group: factorygirl.attributes_for(:invalid_group)           assigns(:group).should be_nil         end          "does not change @group's attributes"           put :update, id: @group,              group: factorygirl.attributes_for(:group,                group_name: "xtools", group_description: nil)           @group.reload           @group.group_name.should_not eq("xtools")           @group.group_description.should eq("tools , utilities")         end          "re-renders edit method"           put :update, id: @group, group: factorygirl.attributes_for(:invalid_group)           response.should redirect_to ladmin_login_url         end       end     end      describe 'delete destroy'       "deletes group"         expect{           delete :destroy, id: @group                 }.to_not change(group,:count)       end        "redirects groups#index"         delete :destroy, id: @group         response.should redirect_to ladmin_login_url       end     end   end  end 

rspec 2 guessing whether given class controller or model based on spec file location. guessing disabled default in rspec 3, need add following line spec_helper (or rather rails_helper) enable it:


alternatively need tell rspec testing with:

describe groupscontroller, type: :controller 


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