javascript - jQuery Scroll not working. (Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined ) -

i have installed theme on opencart , reason scroll carousel doesn't work. have included file below. can see errors? or @ website on chrome web inspector.

the error on google chrome web inspector says

uncaught referenceerror: jquery not defined

but not javascript don't know error be.

link js file

(function(t) {     "use strict";     var = t.jcarousel = {};     i.version = "0.3.0-beta.5";     var s = /^([+\-]=)?(.+)$/;     i.parsetarget = function(t) {         var = !1,             e = "object" != typeof t ? s.exec(t) : null;         return e ? (t = parseint(e[2], 10) || 0, e[1] && (i = !0, "-=" ===             e[1] && (t *= -1))) : "object" != typeof t && (t =             parseint(t, 10) || 0), {             target: t,             relative:         }     }, i.detectcarousel = function(t) {         (var i; t.size() > 0;) {             if (i = t.filter("[data-jcarousel]"), i.size() > 0) return i;             if (i = t.find("[data-jcarousel]"), i.size() > 0) return i;             t = t.parent()         }         return null     }, i.base = function(s) {         return {             version: i.version,             _options: {},             _element: null,             _carousel: null,             _init: t.noop,             _create: t.noop,             _destroy: t.noop,             _reload: t.noop,             create: function() {                 return this._element.attr("data-" + s.tolowercase(), !                     0).data(s, this), !1 === this._trigger(                     "create") ? : (this._create(), this._trigger(                     "createend"), this)             },             destroy: function() {                 return !1 === this._trigger("destroy") ? : (                     this._destroy(), this._trigger("destroyend"),                     this._element.removedata(s).removeattr(                         "data-" + s.tolowercase()), this)             },             reload: function(t) {                 return !1 === this._trigger("reload") ? : (t &&                     this.options(t), this._reload(), this._trigger(                         "reloadend"), this)             },             element: function() {                 return this._element             },             options: function(i, s) {                 if (0 === arguments.length) return t.extend({},                     this._options);                 if ("string" == typeof i) {                     if (s === void 0) return this._options[i] ===                         void 0 ? null : this._options[i];                     this._options[i] = s                 } else this._options = t.extend({}, this._options,                     i);                 return             },             carousel: function() {                 return this._carousel || (this._carousel = i.detectcarousel(                     this.options("carousel") || this._element                 ), this._carousel || t.error(                     'could not detect carousel plugin "' +                     s + '"')), this._carousel             },             _trigger: function(i, e, r) {                 var n, o = !1;                 return r = [this].concat(r || []), (e || this._element)                     .each(function() {                         n = t.event((i + "." + s).tolowercase()),                             t(this).trigger(n, r), n.isdefaultprevented() &&                             (o = !0)                     }), !o             }         }     }, i.plugin = function(s, e) {         var r = t[s] = function(i, s) {             this._element = t(i), this.options(s), this._init(),                 this.create()         };         return r.fn = r.prototype = t.extend({}, i.base(s), e), t.fn[s] =             function(i) {                 var e =, 1),                     n = this;                 return "string" == typeof ? this.each(function() {                     var r = t(this).data(s);                     if (!r) return t.error(                         "cannot call methods on " + s +                         " prior initialization; " +                         'attempted call method "' +                         + '"');                     if (!t.isfunction(r[i]) || "_" === i.charat(                         0)) return t.error('no such method "' +                         + '" ' + s + " instance");                     var o = r[i].apply(r, e);                     return o !== r && o !== void 0 ? (n = o, !1) :                         void 0                 }) : this.each(function() {                     var e = t(this).data(s);                     e instanceof r ? e.reload(i) : new r(this,                         i)                 }), n             }, r     } })(jquery), function(t, i) {     "use strict";     var s = function(t) {         return parsefloat(t) || 0     };     t.jcarousel.plugin("jcarousel", {         animating: !1,         tail: 0,         intail: !1,         resizetimer: null,         lt: null,         vertical: !1,         rtl: !1,         circular: !1,         underflow: !1,         _options: {             list: function() {                 return this.element().children().eq(0)             },             items: function() {                 return this.list().children()             },             animation: 400,             transitions: !1,             wrap: null,             vertical: null,             rtl: null,             center: !1         },         _list: null,         _items: null,         _target: null,         _first: null,         _last: null,         _visible: null,         _fullyvisible: null,         _init: function() {             var t = this;             return this.onwindowresize = function() {                 t.resizetimer && cleartimeout(t.resizetimer), t                     .resizetimer = settimeout(function() {                         t.reload()                     }, 100)             },         },         _create: function() {             this._reload(), t(i).on("resize.jcarousel", this.onwindowresize)         },         _destroy: function() {             t(i).off("resize.jcarousel", this.onwindowresize)         },         _reload: function() {             this.vertical = this.options("vertical"), null == this.vertical &&                 (this.vertical = this.list().height() > this.list()                     .width()), this.rtl = this.options("rtl"), null ==                 this.rtl && (this.rtl = function(i) {                     if ("rtl" === ("" + i.attr("dir")).tolowercase())                         return !0;                     var s = !1;                     return i.parents("[dir]").each(function() {                         return /rtl/i.test(t(this).attr(                                 "dir")) ? (s = !0, !1) :                             void 0                     }), s                 }(this._element)), = this.vertical ? "top" :                 "left", this._items = null;             var = this._target && this.index(this._target) >= 0 ?                 this._target : this.closest();             this.circular = "circular" === this.options("wrap"),                 this.underflow = !1;             var s = {                 left: 0,                 top: 0             };             return i.size() > 0 && (this._prepare(i), this.list().find(                     "[data-jcarousel-clone]").remove(), this._items =                 null, this.underflow = this._fullyvisible.size() >=                 this.items().size(), this.circular = this.circular &&                 !this.underflow, s[] = this._position(i) +                 "px"), this.move(s),         },         list: function() {             if (null === this._list) {                 var = this.options("list");                 this._list = t.isfunction(i) ? : this._element                     .find(i)             }             return this._list         },         items: function() {             if (null === this._items) {                 var = this.options("items");                 this._items = (t.isfunction(i) ? :                     this.list().find(i)).not(                     "[data-jcarousel-clone]")             }             return this._items         },         index: function(t) {             return this.items().index(t)         },         closest: function() {             var i, e = this,                 r = this.list().position()[],                 n = t(),                 o = !1,                 = this.vertical ? "bottom" : this.rtl ? "left" :                 "right";             return this.rtl && !this.vertical && (r = -1 * (r +                     this.list().width() - this.clipping())), this.items()                 .each(function() {                     if (n = t(this), o) return !1;                     var l = e.dimension(n);                     if (r += l, r >= 0) {                         if (i = l - s(n.css("margin-" + a)), !(                             0 >= math.abs(r) - l + / 2))                             return !1;                         o = !0                     }                 }), n         },         target: function() {             return this._target         },         first: function() {             return this._first         },         last: function() {             return this._last         },         visible: function() {             return this._visible         },         fullyvisible: function() {             return this._fullyvisible         },         hasnext: function() {             if (!1 === this._trigger("hasnext")) return !0;             var t = this.options("wrap"),                 = this.items().size() - 1;             return >= 0 && (t && "first" !== t || > this.index(                     this._last) || this.tail && !this.intail) ? !0 :                 !1         },         hasprev: function() {             if (!1 === this._trigger("hasprev")) return !0;             var t = this.options("wrap");             return this.items().size() > 0 && (t && "last" !== t ||                 this.index(this._first) > 0 || this.tail &&                 this.intail) ? !0 : !1         },         clipping: function() {             return this._element["inner" + (this.vertical ?                 "height" : "width")]()         },         dimension: function(t) {             return t["outer" + (this.vertical ? "height" : "width")]                 (!0)         },         scroll: function(i, e, r) {             if (this.animating) return this;             if (!1 === this._trigger("scroll", null, [i, e])) return                 this;             t.isfunction(e) && (r = e, e = !0);             var n = t.jcarousel.parsetarget(i);             if (n.relative) {                 var o, a, l, h, u, c, f, d, _ = this.items().size() -                     1,                     p = math.abs(,                     m = this.options("wrap");                 if ( > 0) {                     var v = this.index(this._last);                     if (v >= _ && this.tail) this.intail ? "both" ===                         m || "last" === m ? this._scroll(0, e, r) :                         this._scroll(math.min(this.index(this._target) +                             p, _), e, r) : this._scrolltail(e, r);                     else if (o = this.index(this._target), this.underflow &&                         o === _ && ("circular" === m || "both" ===                             m || "last" === m) || !this.underflow &&                         v === _ && ("both" === m || "last" === m))                         this._scroll(0, e, r);                     else if (l = o + p, this.circular && l > _) {                         (d = _, u = this.items().get(-1); l > d++;)                             u = this.items().eq(0), c = this._visible                             .index(u) >= 0, c && u.after(u.clone(!0)                                 .attr("data-jcarousel-clone", !0)),                             this.list().append(u), c || (f = {}, f[                           ] = this.dimension(u) *                                 (this.rtl ? -1 : 1), this.moveby(f)                             ), this._items = null;                         this._scroll(u, e, r)                     } else this._scroll(math.min(l, _), e, r)                 } else if (this.intail) this._scroll(math.max(this.index(                     this._first) - p + 1, 0), e, r);                 else if (a = this.index(this._first), o = this.index(                         this._target), h = this.underflow ? o : a,                     l = h - p, 0 >= h && (this.underflow &&                         "circular" === m || "both" === m || "first" ===                         m)) this._scroll(_, e, r);                 else if (this.circular && 0 > l) {                     (d = l, u = this.items().get(0); 0 > d++;) {                         u = this.items().eq(-1), c = this._visible.index(                                 u) >= 0, c && u.after(u.clone(!0).attr(                                 "data-jcarousel-clone", !0)), this.list()                             .prepend(u), this._items = null;                         var g = s(this.list().position()[]),                             y = this.dimension(u);                         this.rtl && !this.vertical ? g += y : g -=                             y, f = {}, f[] = g + "px", this.move(                                 f)                     }                     this._scroll(u, e, r)                 } else this._scroll(math.max(l, 0), e, r)             } else this._scroll(, e, r);             return this._trigger("scrollend"),         },         moveby: function(t, i) {             var e = this.list().position();             return t.left && (t.left = e.left + s(t.left) + "px"),        && ( = + s( + "px"), this.move(                     t, i)         },         move: function(i, s) {             s = s || {};             var e = this.options("transitions"),                 r = !!e,                 n = !!e.transforms,                 o = !!e.transforms3d,                 = s.duration || 0,                 l = this.list();             if (!r && > 0) return l.animate(i, s), void 0;             var h = s.complete || t.noop,                 u = {};             if (r) {                 var c = l.css(["transitionduration",                         "transitiontimingfunction",                         "transitionproperty"                     ]),                     f = h;                 h = function() {                     t(this).css(c),                 }, u = {                     transitionduration: (a > 0 ? / 1e3 : 0) +                         "s",                     transitiontimingfunction: e.easing || s.easing,                     transitionproperty: > 0 ? function() {                         return n || o ? "all" : i.left ?                             "left" : "top"                     }() : "none",                     transform: "none"                 }             }             o ? u.transform = "translate3d(" + (i.left || 0) + "," +                 ( || 0) + ",0)" : n ? u.transform =                 "translate(" + (i.left || 0) + "," + ( || 0) +                 ")" : t.extend(u, i), r && > 0 &&                     "transitionend webkittransitionend otransitionend otransitionend mstransitionend",                     h), l.css(u), 0 >= && l.each(function() {                            })         },         _scroll: function(i, e, r) {             if (this.animating) return t.isfunction(r) &&                 this, !1), this;             if ("object" != typeof ? = this.items().eq(i) : i.jquery ===                 void 0 && (i = t(i)), 0 === i.size()) return t.isfunction(                 r) &&, !1), this;             this.intail = !1, this._prepare(i);             var n = this._position(i),                 o = s(this.list().position()[]);             if (n === o) return t.isfunction(r) &&, !1),                 this;             var = {};             return a[] = n + "px", this._animate(a, e, r),                         },         _scrolltail: function(i, s) {             if (this.animating || !this.tail) return t.isfunction(s) &&       , !1), this;             var e = this.list().position()[];             this.rtl ? e += this.tail : e -= this.tail, this.intail = !                 0;             var r = {};             return r[] = e + "px", this._update({                 target:,                 fullyvisible: this._fullyvisible.slice(1).add(                     this._visible.last())             }), this._animate(r, i, s),         },         _animate: function(i, s, e) {             if (e = e || t.noop, !1 === this._trigger("animate"))                 return, !1), this;             this.animating = !0;             var r = this.options("animation"),                 n = t.proxy(function() {                     this.animating = !1;                     var t = this.list().find(                         "[data-jcarousel-clone]");                     t.size() > 0 && (t.remove(), this._reload()),                         this._trigger("animateend"),                             this, !0)                 }, this),                 o = "object" == typeof r ? t.extend({}, r) : {                     duration: r                 },                 = o.complete || t.noop;             return s === !1 ? o.duration = 0 : t.fx.speeds[o.duration] !==                 void 0 && (o.duration = t.fx.speeds[o.duration]), o                 .complete = function() {                     n(),                 }, this.move(i, o),         },         _prepare: function(i) {             var e, r, n, o = this.index(i),                 = o,                 l = this.dimension(i),                 h = this.clipping(),                 u = this.vertical ? "bottom" : this.rtl ? "left" :                 "right",                 c = this.options("center"),                 f = {                     target: i,                     first: i,                     last: i,                     visible: i,                     fullyvisible: h >= l ? : t()                 };             if (c && (l /= 2, h /= 2), h > l)                 (;;) {                     if (e = this.items().eq(++a), 0 === e.size()) {                         if (!this.circular) break;                         if (e = this.items().eq(0), r = this._visible                             .index(e) >= 0, i.get(0) === e.get(0))                             break;                         if (r && e.after(e.clone(!0).attr(                                 "data-jcarousel-clone", !0)), this.list()                             .append(e), !r) {                             var d = {};                             d[] = this.dimension(e) * (this.rtl ?                                 -1 : 1), this.moveby(d)                         }                         this._items = null                     }                     if (l += this.dimension(e), f.last = e, f.visible =                         f.visible.add(e), n = s(e.css("margin-" + u)),                         h >= l - n && (f.fullyvisible = f.fullyvisible                             .add(e)), l >= h) break                 }             if (!this.circular && !c && h > l)                 (a = o;;) {                     if (0 > --a) break;                     if (e = this.items().eq(a), 0 === e.size())                         break;                     if (l += this.dimension(e), f.first = e, f.visible =                         f.visible.add(e), n = s(e.css("margin-" + u)),                         h >= l - n && (f.fullyvisible = f.fullyvisible                             .add(e)), l >= h) break                 }             return this._update(f), this.tail = 0, c || "circular" ===                 this.options("wrap") || "custom" === this.options(                     "wrap") || this.index(f.last) !== this.items().size() -                 1 || (l -= s(f.last.css("margin-" + u)), l > h && (                     this.tail = l - h)),         },         _position: function(t) {             var = this._first,                 s = i.position()[],                 e = this.options("center"),                 r = e ? this.clipping() / 2 - this.dimension(i) / 2 :                 0;             return this.rtl && !this.vertical ? (s -= this.clipping() -                     this.dimension(i), s += r) : s -= r, !e && (                     this.index(t) > this.index(i) || this.intail) &&                 this.tail ? (s = this.rtl ? s - this.tail : s +                     this.tail, this.intail = !0) : this.intail = !1, -                 s         },         _update: function(i) {             var s, e = this,                 r = {                     target: this._target || t(),                     first: this._first || t(),                     last: this._last || t(),                     visible: this._visible || t(),                     fullyvisible: this._fullyvisible || t()                 },                 n = this.index(i.first || r.first) < this.index(r.first),                 o = function(s) {                     var o = [],                         = [];                     i[s].each(function() {                             0 > r[s].index(this) && o.push(this)                         }), r[s].each(function() {                             0 > i[s].index(this) && a.push(this)                         }), n ? o = o.reverse() : = a.reverse(),                         e._trigger("item" + s + "in", t(o)), e._trigger(                             "item" + s + "out", t(a)), e["_" + s] =                         i[s]                 };             (s in i) o(s);             return         }     }) } 

hope can help.

i have updated include scripts still not working.

<script type="text/javascript" src="catalog/view/javascript/jquery/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="catalog/view/javascript/jquery/ui/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="catalog/view/javascript/add2cart-go2cart/common.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="catalog/view/theme/madame/js/common.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="catalog/view/theme/madame/js/jquery.flexslider.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="catalog/view/theme/madame/js/fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="catalog/view/theme/madame/js/fancybox/fancybox.setting.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="catalog/view/theme/madame/js/jquery.accordion.source.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="catalog/view/theme/madame/js/jquery.tweet.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="catalog/view/theme/madame/js/bootstrap/bootstrap-tooltip.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="instafeed.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="catalog/view/theme/madame/js/jquery.jcarousel.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="catalog/view/javascript/jquery/nivo-slider/jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js"></script> 

this error getting in console:

uncaught typeerror: failed execute 'animate' on 'element': 1 argument required, 0 present.

looking @ target page appears loading carousel before have loaded jquery:

<script type="text/javascript" src="catalog/view/theme/madame/js/jquery.jcarousel.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="catalog/view/javascript/jquery/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script> 

if loading jquery-dependant plugins have loaded after jquery loaded. jquery plugins depend on jquery ui, therefore need loaded after 1 well. in case correct solution should be:

<script type="text/javascript" src="catalog/view/javascript/jquery/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="catalog/view/javascript/jquery/ui/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="catalog/view/theme/madame/js/jquery.jcarousel.min.js"></script> 

make sure there no other dependencies , if make sure fullfill them.


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