i have error in select single row in android -

i have problem when startup program

i want know how use arab_book() function tablebook class table class

package info.androidhive.slidingmenu;  public class book {      private int id;     private string title;     private string author;      public book() {}      public book(string title, string auther) {         this.title = title;         this.author = auther;     }      // ---- setter     public void setid(int id){            this.id = id;     }      public void settitle(string title){            this.title = title;     }      public void setauthor(string author){            this.author = author;     }       // --- getter ---      public int getid(){            return id;     }      public string gettitle(){            return title;     }      public string getauthor(){            return author;     }      public string tostring(){            return "book  >> id:"+id+" | title:"+title+" | author:"+author;     } } 

and booktable

package info.androidhive.slidingmenu;  import java.util.linkedlist; import java.util.list; import android.content.contentvalues; import android.content.context; import android.database.cursor; import android.database.sqlite.sqlitedatabase; import android.database.sqlite.sqliteopenhelper; import android.util.log;  public class booktable extends sqliteopenhelper {       private static final int db_version = 1;      private static final string db_name = "book";      //book table name     private static final string table_book = "books";      //book table columns name     private static final string key_id = "id";     private static final string key_title = "title";     private static final string key_auther = "author";      private static final string[] columns = {key_id, key_title, key_auther};       public booktable(context context) {         super(context, db_name, null, db_version);     }      @override     public void oncreate(sqlitedatabase db) {         // todo auto-generated method stub          // sql statement create book table         string create_book_table = "create table books ( " +                 "id integer primary key autoincrement, " +                 "title text, "+                 "author text )";         // create books table         db.execsql(create_book_table);      }      @override     public void onupgrade(sqlitedatabase db, int oldversion, int newversion) {         // todo auto-generated method stub         db.execsql("drop table if exists books");          // create fresh books table         this.oncreate(db);     }      /*      * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------      */      public void addbook(book book) {         log.d("addbook", book.tostring());          sqlitedatabase db = this.getwritabledatabase();          contentvalues values = new contentvalues();         values.put(key_title, book.gettitle());         values.put(key_auther, book.getauthor());          db.insert(table_book, null, values);         db.close();     }     public book arab_book(string id){         sqlitedatabase db = this.getreadabledatabase();          cursor c = db.query(table_book, columns, key_id, new string[] {id}, null, null, null);         if( c != null )             c.movetofirst();          book book = new book();         book.setid(integer.parseint(c.getstring(0)));         book.settitle(c.getstring(1));         book.setauthor(c.getstring(2));          return book;     }      public book getbook(int id) {         sqlitedatabase db = this.getreadabledatabase();          cursor c = db.query(table_book, columns, key_id, new string[] {string.valueof(id)}, null, null, null, null);         if( c != null )             c.movetofirst();          book book = new book();         book.setid(c.getint(c.getcolumnindex(key_id)));         book.settitle((c.getstring(c.getcolumnindex(key_title))));         book.setauthor(c.getstring(c.getcolumnindex(key_auther)));         //log.d("getbook("+id+")", book.tostring());          return book;     }      // books     public book[] getallbooks() {         book list[] = null;          // 1. build query         string query = "select  * " + table_book;          // 2. reference writable db         sqlitedatabase db = this.getwritabledatabase();         cursor cursor = db.rawquery(query, null);          system.out.println("count of data in book table >>"+cursor.getcount());          list = new book[cursor.getcount()];          // 3. go on each row, build book , add list         book book = null;         int index = 0;         if (cursor.movetofirst()) {             {                 book = new book();                 book.setid(integer.parseint(cursor.getstring(0)));                 book.settitle(cursor.getstring(1));                 book.setauthor(cursor.getstring(2));                  // add book books                 list[index]= book;                 system.out.println("book "+index+": ");                 index++;              } while (cursor.movetonext());         } /*         //log.d("getallbooks()", books.tostring());         for(int i=0; i<list.length; i++){               system.out.println("book "+i+": "+list[i].gettitle());         }*/          // return books         return list;     }   // updating single book     public int updatebook(book book) {          // 1. reference writable db         sqlitedatabase db = this.getwritabledatabase();          // 2. create contentvalues add key "column"/value         contentvalues values = new contentvalues();         values.put("title", book.gettitle()); // title         values.put("author", book.getauthor()); // author          // 3. updating row         int = db.update(table_book, //table                 values, // column/value                 key_id+" = ?", // selections                 new string[] { string.valueof(book.getid()) }); //selection args          // 4. close         db.close();          return i;      }   // deleting single book     public void deletebook(book book) {          // 1. reference writable db         sqlitedatabase db = this.getwritabledatabase();          // 2. delete         db.delete(table_book,                 key_id+" = ?",                 new string[] { string.valueof(book.getid()) });          // 3. close         db.close();          log.d("deletebook", book.tostring());      } } 

and adapter class

package info.androidhive.slidingmenu;  import android.app.activity; import android.content.context; import android.view.layoutinflater; import android.view.view; import android.view.viewgroup; import android.widget.baseadapter; import android.widget.imageview; import android.widget.textview;  public class customlistviewadapter extends baseadapter {      private activity activity;         private book[] data;          private static layoutinflater inflater=null;           public customlistviewadapter(activity a, book list[]) {             activity = a;              data=list;               inflater = (layoutinflater)activity.getsystemservice(context.layout_inflater_service);         }          public int getbookid(int position){             return data[position].getid();          }          public int getcount() {             return data.length;         }          public object getitem(int position) {             return position;         }          public long getitemid(int position) {             return position;         }          public view getview(int position, view convertview, viewgroup parent) {             view vi=convertview;             if(convertview==null)                 vi = inflater.inflate(r.layout.list_row, null);              textview row_id =(textview)vi.findviewbyid(r.id.row_id);             textview name=(textview)vi.findviewbyid(r.id.title);             textview descp = (textview) vi.findviewbyid(r.id.artist);             imageview image=(imageview)vi.findviewbyid(r.id.image);              row_id.settext(string.valueof(data[position].getid()));             name.settext(data[position].gettitle());             descp.settext("author: "+data[position].getauthor());              return vi;         }  } 

and when use code in main activity have error

 bt = new booktable(getactivity().getapplicationcontext());   book bs = bt.arab_book("4"); 


your call query method wrong. try read documentation of sqlitedatabase.query method. third parameter selection , fourth selectionargs.

all elements in selectionargs-array replace corresponding question marks (?) in selection-parameter.

try change code in getbook() , arab_book() this:

cursor c = db.query(     table_book, //table     columns, //projection (or columns)     key_id + "=?", //my where-clause     new string[]{string.valueof(id)}, //arguments inside where-claus     null, //groupby     null, //having     null, //orderby     null); //limit 

but in general, should try read on basics of using database in android. consider using cursorloader , cursoradapter, reading content provider. can find more information in this tutorial.

note: might not problem. please post logcat-output provide more details.


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