Why is PHP Curl messing up multidimentional array? -

i've been stuck trying debug .. im passing multidimensional array script via curl, , wanted array after passing curl execution .. seems after array passed through curl (a copy of @ least), original array gets messed up!

$myarray[0]['name'] = "tj"; $myarray[0]['age'] = "21"; $myarray[0]['sex'] = "yes please";  printr($myarray); //outputs array  //upload array data as-is central // curl resource $curl = curl_init(); // set options curl curl_setopt_array($curl, array(     curlopt_returntransfer => 1,     curlopt_url => 'http://localhost/projects/sync_dtr.php?',     curlopt_useragent => 'tk local code: blq ',     curlopt_post => 1,     curlopt_postfields => $myarray  )); // send request & save response $resp $response = curl_exec($curl); // close request clear resources curl_close($curl);  printr($myarray); //doesn't output array properly, instead outputs "array ( [0] => array ) " 

is bug or expected result/effect? don't understand how curl wrote/modified original array. heck if make copy of $myarray , , use 1 copy in curl , bot copies messed up!!

but if don't use multidimensional array, seems fine.

what happens internally each top array element turned string; unfortunately, performed without applying copy-on-write semantics. won't go far calling bug, it's unintuitive.

that said, curlopt_postfields shouldn't used multi-dimensional values; instead, use http_build_query():

curl_setopt($curl, curlopt_postfields, http_build_query(array(     'myarray' => $myarray ))); 

btw, i've made sure top level element string; kind of necessary url-encoded form values.


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