ios - Dismiss navigation controller and all of its view controllers stack in UIPopupview using a button within one of the views -

i displaying uipopoverview using code:

selectclientpopcontroller= [[uipopovercontroller alloc]initwithcontentviewcontroller: [self.storyboard instantiateviewcontrollerwithidentifier:@"navcontrollermini"]]; selectclientpopcontroller.popovercontentsize=cgsizemake(500, 700); selectclientpopcontroller.delegate=self; [selectclientpopcontroller presentpopoverfromrect:cgrectmake(cell.frame.origin.x+120-scrollview.contentoffset.x, cell.frame.origin.y+120,cell.frame.size.width, cell.frame.size.height) inview:self.view permittedarrowdirections:uipopoverarrowdirectionleft | uipopoverarrowdirectionright animated:yes]; 

this navigation view controller ued step through 2 tableviewcontrollers shown below:


when cell on last tableview pressed, dismiss whole popover. understand needs done using delegates, not know assign delegates in order achieve this. help.

why not

 // listen tableview row selection setting delegate.   // self if set delegate in same view controller  yourtableview.delegate = yourviewcontrollerobjectwhichhastableview;   - (void)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview didselectrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath{      [selectclientpopcontroller dismisspopoveranimated:yes];  } 

whenever u need dismiss popover use above method. refer apple's documentation


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