javascript - flot why the line goes back to the top left? -
this code:
var holder = $('#line-chart'); if (holder.length) { $.plot(holder, [ { data: data[0].data, lines: { show: true }, label:"service level" }, { data: data[1].data, bars: { show: true }, yaxis: 2, label:"# of calls" } // set second series use second axis ], { yaxes: [{ min: 0, // options first axis tickformatter: function (val, axis) { return val + '%'; } }, { aligntickswithaxis: 1, // options second axis, put on right position: "right" }], xaxis: { min: minval.gettime(), max: maxval.gettime(), mode: "time", timeformat: timeformat, //twelvehourclock: true, ticksize: [tickval, modechart], //monthnames: ["jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec"], ticklength: 0 }, grid: { hoverable: true, clickable: false, borderwidth: 0 }, }); }
this result:
please notice service level
line (the orange one) goes aug
top left. me here please?
i got data operation
var data = $.map(result, function (arr, key) { return { label: key, data: arr }; });
where results
comes json request, , print result
did this
var s = json.stringify(result); console.log(s)
and console shows
the line goes top-left because data does.
your first service level [1390608000000,50]. subsequent service levels have first number (the x coordinate) increasing .... until comes :
[1407283200000,0],[1390780800000,100],[1391040000000,100], ....
see - x coordinate has switched (pretty much) same start, y coordinate 100%.
so no problem code - it's data.
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