Angularjs: Form validation on input field generated by directive -

i have built directive generates input field based on meta ($scope.meta) data. problem supporting angular's form validation.


explanation: directive takes meta parameter describes input field type , other related information render field. attributes defined on directive copied element , replace directive after compilation , linking.


<form name="userform">     <!-- username -->     <poly-field ng-model="storage" meta="meta" key="username" name="username" ng-minlength="3" ng-maxlength="8"></poly-field>     <p ng-show="userform.username.$error.minlength" class="help-block">username short.</p>     <p ng-show="userform.username.$error.maxlength" class="help-block">username long</p>      <!-- email -->     <poly-field ng-model="storage" meta="meta" key="email" name="email" ng-required></poly-field>     <p ng-show="$error.minlength" class="help-block">email short.</p>     <p ng-show="$error.maxlength" class="help-block">email long</p> </form> 

entering username longer or shorter allowed should show me error. skipping email field show me error too.

here view source-code after applying directive:

<form name="userform" class="ng-pristine ng-valid ng-valid-required">         <!-- username -->         <input type="undefined" ng-model="storage.username" meta="meta" key="username" name="username" ng-minlength="3" ng-maxlength="8" class="ng-scope ng-valid-minlength ng-dirty ng-valid ng-valid-maxlength">         <p ng-show="userform.username.$error.minlength" class="help-block ng-hide">username short.</p>         <p ng-show="userform.username.$error.maxlength" class="help-block ng-hide">username long</p>          <!-- email -->         <input type="undefined" ng-model="" meta="meta" key="email" name="email" ng-required="" class="ng-scope ng-valid ng-valid-required ng-dirty">         <p ng-show="$error.minlength" class="help-block ng-hide">email short.</p>         <p ng-show="$error.maxlength" class="help-block ng-hide">email long</p> </form> 

here model view , directive working with, it's declared in parentctrl.

$ = {     username: "kitkat",     email: "" }; 

that's meta information, tell how input field (is text? date? etc.)

 $scope.meta = {     username: { type: "text" },     email: { type: "text" } }; 

directive declaration:

app.directive('polyfield', function($compile) {     var linkfn = function(scope, element, attributes) {         // create input element depending on type         var template = document.createelement("input");         template.type =[attributes.key].type;          // copy attributes         (var attr in attributes.$attr) {             if (attributes.$attr[attr] == 'ng-model') {                 template.setattribute('ng-model', attributes[attr] + '.' + attributes.key);             } else {                 template.setattribute(attributes.$attr[attr], attributes[attr]);             }         }          // template compilation, linking , element replacement         template = angular.element(template.outerhtml);         var linktemplate = $compile(template);         var domelement = linktemplate(scope);         element.replacewith(domelement);     }      var directive = {         restrict: 'e',         scope: {              meta: '=',             storage: '=ngmodel',             key: '=',         },         link: linkfn     };      return directive;   }); 

some thoughts:
each directive creates isolated scope, so, inside directive userform unseen, however, storage (ng-model) two-way binded seen directive's scope , parent scope, if userform sees what's inside storage should ok, isn't it?

i tried pass userform directive scope:

// directive scope: {         meta: '=',         storage: '=ngmodel',         key: '=',         userform: '=' }  // template <poly-field user-form="userform" ng-model="storage" meta="meta" key="username" name="username" ng-minlength="3" ng-maxlength="8"></poly-field> 

but no effect.

when directives scope, userform field see input field $dirty: false, $invalid: true, , after typed username/email field,

in source code it's seems validation classes applied correctly: ng-valid-minlength ng-dirty ng-invalid ng-invalid-maxlength still, no validation errors shown.

is there can it?

in order angular's form-validation de able kick in, ngmodel looks parent ngform/form directive during controller's instantiation phase (before pre-linking phase).

since compile , link element before adding dom there no parent element @ time, fails register.

you need first insert element dom , compile , link it.

updated plunkr


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