ruby - Problems with chef recipe -

sorry english.

here ./recipes/default.rb

node['client-name'].each |crontab|        item = data_bag_item('bag_name', "#{crontab}")      node.default[:client_timezone] = "#{item['timezone']}"     node.default[:client_name] = "#{crontab}"      template "crontab"         path "/etc/cron.d/#{deploy}"         source "default.erb"         owner "root"         group "root"         mode "0644"     end end 

the ./attributes/default.rb looks this:

default['version'] = "1.0.0" default['client-name'] = ['company_1','company_2'] 

the templates/crontab.erb looks this:

30 04 * * * java -duser.timezone=<%= node[:timezone] %> -jar /var/www/app-<%= node[:version] %>.jar /var/www/<%= node[:client_name] %>/config/spring/job.xml 

my recipe puts 2 similar crontab files (company_1 , company_2) /etc/cron.d/, last 1 attributes' value (company_2). can please tell me, wrong?

you need use variables section of template resource assign client_name , timezone explicitly. recipe might this:

node['client-name'].each |client_name|        item = data_bag_item('bag_name', "#{client_name}")      template "crontab"         path "/etc/cron.d/#{deploy}"         source "default.erb"         owner "root"         group "root"         mode "0644"         variables ({             :client_name => item['client_name'], # don't have already?             :client_timezone => item['client_timezone']         })     end end 

your crontab.erb should this:

30 04 * * * java -duser.timezone=<%= @client_timezone %> -jar /var/www/app-<%= node[:version] %>.jar /var/www/<%= @client_name %>/config/spring/job.xml 


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