c# - Is that necessary to dispose objects inside static functions? -

ok having major problem atm.

my software using extremely high amount of ram. using lot of htmlagilitypack.htmldocument objects big size pages sources.

however of objects used inside static functions , htmlagilitypack.htmldocument isn't idisposable

so need set every variable explicitly null ?

even if inside static functions ?

for example need set these variables null @ end of function below

the variables asking : lstdrwlist ? or since inside disposed automatically ?

should call explicitly garbage collector ?

c# .net 4.5 wpf application

private static void func_checkwaitingtoprocesspages(object state) {     paralleloptions myoptions = new paralleloptions();     myoptions.maxdegreeofparallelism = publicsettings.ir_how_many_tasks_for_per_pages_process;      list<datarow> lstdrwlist = new list<datarow>();      using (datatable dtmytable = dbconnection.db_select_datatable(srselecttopprocesspagesquery))     {         foreach (datarow drw in dtmytable.rows)         {             lstdrwlist.add(drw);         }     }      parallel.foreach(lstdrwlist, myoptions, drw =>       {           process_given_page(drw);       }); } 

the problem found issue how fix

here problem happens in 10 seconds used visual studio profiler

enter image description here

here full class causes huge memory leak issue

using htmlagilitypack; using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.data; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.threading; using system.threading.tasks;   namespace doktora_tez_projesi_crawler_program {     public static class pagesprocessor     {         private static timer _timer;         private static int howmanyseconds = 10;         public static void func_startcrawlingwaitingurls()         {             publicstaticfunctions.addmsgtoevents("checking waiting process crawled urls process started every " + howmanyseconds + " seconds!");             _timer = new timer(func_checkwaitingtoprocesspages, null, publicsettings.irtimers_delayed_start_miliseconds, howmanyseconds * 1000);         }          private static string srselecttopprocesspagesquery = " select top 100 cl_idurl,cl_roositeid,cl_crawlsource,cl_crawlorgurl tblcrawlurls " +                                                              " cl_pageprocessed=0 , cl_totalcrawltimes > 0 " +                                                              " order cl_lastprocessdate asc";          private static void func_checkwaitingtoprocesspages(object state)         {             paralleloptions myoptions = new paralleloptions();             myoptions.maxdegreeofparallelism = publicsettings.ir_how_many_tasks_for_per_pages_process;              list<datarow> lstdrwlist = new list<datarow>();              using (datatable dtmytable = dbconnection.db_select_datatable(srselecttopprocesspagesquery))             {                 foreach (datarow drw in dtmytable.rows)                 {                     lstdrwlist.add(drw);                 }             }              parallel.foreach(lstdrwlist, myoptions, drw =>               {                   process_given_page(drw);               });         }          private class csproductfeatures         {             public string srproductrootsiteid = "null", srproducttitle = "null", srproductcode = "null", srproductimagelink = "null";             public string srproductdetailedexplanation = "null", srproductfeatures = "null", srcrawledorgurl = "null", srproductidcode = "null";             public bool blpossibleproductpage = false, blfreecargo = false, blproductpage = true;             public list<string> lstproductcategories = new list<string>();             public int irproductprice = 0;             public list<csproductcomments> lstproductcomments = new list<csproductcomments>();             public list<keyvaluepair<string, string>> lstproductfeatures = new list<keyvaluepair<string, string>>();         }          private class csproductcomments         {             public string srcommenttitle = "null", srcommentpros = "null", srcommentcons = "null";             public int ircommentscore = 0; //0 = negative 5=full star         }          private static void process_given_page(datarow drw)         {             csproductfeatures temp_productfeatures = new csproductfeatures();             temp_productfeatures.srproductrootsiteid = drw["cl_roositeid"].tostring();             temp_productfeatures.srcrawledorgurl = drw["cl_crawlorgurl"].tostring();              htmldocument hdmydoc = new htmldocument();//nulled             hdmydoc.loadhtml(drw["cl_crawlsource"].tostring());              bool blbreakloop = false;              foreach (var vrvariable in publicvariables.dicrootsites[temp_productfeatures.srproductrootsiteid].lstrootsiteidentifiers)             {                 if (vrvariable.srhtmlobjecttype != "link")                 {                     htmlnodecollection hdnodes;                      if (vrvariable.blselectmultiplenodes == false)                         hdnodes = hdmydoc.documentnode.selectnodes(string.format("//{0}[@{1}='{2}']", vrvariable.srhtmlobjecttype,                                  vrvariable.srhtmlobjecttypeidentifier, vrvariable.srhtmlobjecttypename));                     else                         hdnodes = hdmydoc.documentnode.selectnodes(string.format("//{0}[@{1}='{2}']//{3}", vrvariable.srhtmlobjecttype,                           vrvariable.srhtmlobjecttypeidentifier, vrvariable.srhtmlobjecttypename, vrvariable.srhtmlsubidentifiertype));                      if (hdnodes == null && vrvariable.srindetifiertype == "producttitle")                     {                         blbreakloop = true;                         temp_productfeatures.blproductpage = false;                         continue;                     }                      if (blbreakloop == true)                         break;                      if (hdnodes == null)                         continue;                      string sr_node_required_val = "null";                     if (hdnodes[0].innertext != null)                         sr_node_required_val = hdnodes[0].innertext;                      string srlinkval = "null";                      if (vrvariable.srhtmlobjecttype == "a" && hdnodes[0].attributes != null)                     {                         if (hdnodes[0].attributes["href"] != null)                         {                             srlinkval = publicstaticfunctions.return_absolute_url(hdnodes[0].attributes["href"].value, temp_productfeatures.srcrawledorgurl);                         }                     }                      if (vrvariable.blgetvalue == true)                     {                         if (hdnodes[0].attributes != null)                             if (hdnodes[0].attributes["value"] != null)                                 sr_node_required_val = hdnodes[0].attributes["value"].value;                     }                      sr_node_required_val = sr_node_required_val.trim();                      switch (vrvariable.srindetifiertype)                     {                         case "productpage":                             temp_productfeatures.blpossibleproductpage = true;                             break;                         case "producttitle":                             temp_productfeatures.srproducttitle = sr_node_required_val;                             break;                         case "productcode":                             temp_productfeatures.srproductcode = sr_node_required_val;                             break;                         case "productcargo":                             temp_productfeatures.blfreecargo = true;                             break;                         case "productcategories":                             temp_productfeatures.lstproductcategories = func_return_product_categories(hdnodes);                             break;                         case "productprice":                             temp_productfeatures.irproductprice = func_return_product_price(sr_node_required_val, temp_productfeatures.srproductrootsiteid);                             break;                         case "productimage":                             temp_productfeatures.srproductimagelink = srlinkval;                             break;                         case "productidcode":                             temp_productfeatures.srproductidcode = sr_node_required_val;                             break;                     }                 }                  if (vrvariable.srhtmlobjecttype == "link")                 {                     string srlinktofetch = vrvariable.srhtmlobjecttypeidentifier;                      if (vrvariable.blusesproductidcode == true)                     {                         srlinktofetch = string.format(srlinktofetch, temp_productfeatures.srproductidcode);                     }                      string srfetchresult = crawlgivenurl.func_fetch_page(srlinktofetch);                      string srresulttoassign = "null";                      if (srfetchresult == publicsettings.srcrawlfailedmessage)                     {                         srresulttoassign = srfetchresult;                     }                     else                     {                         htmldocument temp_hddocument = new htmldocument();//nulled                         temp_hddocument.loadhtml(srfetchresult);                         if (temp_hddocument.documentnode != null)                             if (temp_hddocument.documentnode.innertext != null)                                 srresulttoassign = temp_hddocument.documentnode.innertext;                         temp_hddocument = null;                     }                      switch (vrvariable.srindetifiertype)                     {                         case "productexplanation":                             temp_productfeatures.srproductdetailedexplanation = srresulttoassign;                             break;                         case "productfeatures":                             temp_productfeatures.lstproductfeatures = func_return_product_features(temp_productfeatures.srproductrootsiteid, srfetchresult, temp_productfeatures.srcrawledorgurl);                             break;                     }                 }             }              if (temp_productfeatures.blproductpage == true)             {                 string asdas = "";             }              hdmydoc = null;         }          private static list<string> func_return_product_categories(htmlnodecollection hdnodecollection)         {             list<string> lstcategories = new list<string> { };             foreach (htmlnode hdnode in hdnodecollection)             {                 if (hdnode.innertext != null)                 {                     lstcategories.add(hdnode.innertext);                 }             }              return lstcategories;         }          private static int func_return_product_price(string srpricetext, string srrootsiteid)         {             int irprice = 0;             srpricetext = srpricetext.replace(publicvariables.dicrootsites[srrootsiteid].srpricedelimeter, "");             if (srpricetext.contains(publicvariables.dicrootsites[srrootsiteid].srpriceignoredelimeter) == true)             {                 srpricetext = srpricetext.substring(0, srpricetext.indexof(publicvariables.dicrootsites[srrootsiteid].srpriceignoredelimeter));             }              int32.tryparse(srpricetext, out irprice);             return irprice;         }          private static list<keyvaluepair<string, string>> func_return_product_features(string srrootsiteid, string srpagesource, string srcrawlurl)         {             list<keyvaluepair<string, string>> lstfoundfeatures = new list<keyvaluepair<string, string>>();              if (srpagesource == publicsettings.srcrawlfailedmessage)                 return lstfoundfeatures;              htmldocument temp_hddocument = new htmldocument();//nulled             temp_hddocument.loadhtml(srpagesource);              list<string> lstfeaturetitles = new list<string>();             list<string> lstfeaturedescriptions = new list<string>();              foreach (var vrvariable in publicvariables.dicrootsites[srrootsiteid].lstrootsitesfeaturesidentifiers)             {                 if (vrvariable.blperfeatureidentifier == true)                 {                     htmlnodecollection hdnodes = temp_hddocument.documentnode.selectnodes(string.format("//{0}[@{1}='{2}']", vrvariable.srhtmlobjecttype,                                  vrvariable.srhtmlobjectidentifier, vrvariable.srhtmlobjectidentifiername));                      if (hdnodes != null)                         foreach (var vrnewvariable in publicvariables.dicrootsites[srrootsiteid].lstrootsitesfeaturesidentifiers)                         {                             if (vrnewvariable.blperfeatureidentifier == false)                             {                                 foreach (htmlnode hdtempnode in hdnodes)                                 {                                     var vrtempnewnode = hdtempnode.selectsinglenode(string.format("//{0}[@{1}='{2}']", vrvariable.srhtmlobjecttype,                                      vrvariable.srhtmlobjectidentifier, vrvariable.srhtmlobjectidentifiername));                                     if (vrtempnewnode != null)                                         if (vrtempnewnode.innertext != null)                                         {                                             string srnodefeature = vrtempnewnode.innertext.trim();                                             switch (vrvariable.srwhichfeatureidentifier)                                             {                                                 case "featuretitle":                                                     lstfeaturetitles.add(srnodefeature);                                                     break;                                                 case "featuredescription":                                                     lstfeaturedescriptions.add(srnodefeature);                                                     break;                                             }                                         }                                 }                             }                         }                     break;                 }             }              temp_hddocument = null;              if (lstfeaturedescriptions.count != lstfeaturetitles.count)             {                 errorlogger.logerror("found features count not equal features description count crawled url: " + srcrawlurl);                 return lstfoundfeatures;             }              (int = 0; < lstfeaturedescriptions.count; i++)             {                 keyvaluepair<string, string> mykeyvalpair = new keyvaluepair<string, string>(lstfeaturetitles[i], lstfeaturedescriptions[i]);                 lstfoundfeatures.add(mykeyvalpair);             }              return lstfoundfeatures;         }      } } 

no, don't need set variables null in both static , instance methods. variables inside method (even inside static method) on stack space of method, go out of scope @ end of method execution , targeted garbage collection. , explicitly calling garbage collector isn't practice.


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