python - Mongo Insert Error - InvalidDocument - Key names must not contain the NULL byte -
when attempting insert following json document:
{ "cmd": "sync", "deviceid": "applf4klr7xxxxxx", "devicetype": "ipad", "user": "jackxxxxx", "\u0003\u0001j\u0000e\\ok\u00031102699800\u0000\u0001r\u000326\u0000\u0001s\u00030\u0000\u0001wx\u00033\u0000\u0001b\u00032\u0000\u0001\u0000\u0011ef\u00034\u0000\u0001g\u000332768\u0000\u0001\u0001\u0001\u0000\u0000vjm\u000326:4909\u0000\u0001\u0001\u0001\u0001\u0001\u0001": true }
into mongo collection - error " invaliddocument - key names must not contain null byte".
the structure representing log line generated while logging ms activesync post requests towards owa server.
question is: safest way escape special char , yet keep new structure / value close possible original.
the problem last field key contains lot of unicode characters (include null byte \u0000
the question want keep unicode in field key? if not try like
taken this answer.
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