c - Should not a local BST node created in a function be no, as function generally loose any data created in it? -
i have been using functions create binary search trees, stuck question:
functions not allow local variable accessed outside itself. in case of function creating struct node , returning address saved further , being accessed main.
isn't local variable others. can't find missing. please help.
being language specific, use c , return address in case of struct.
you need return pointer, this:
node_t* node_create() { node_t* node = calloc(1, sizeof(node_t)); /* maybe populate actual data in node */ return node; } void node_destroy(node_t* node) { free(node); }
by using calloc or malloc, can "dynamic" memory allocation, , lets return structs such can link them tree or whatever , not have them go out of scope.
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