java - Is there a way to make Puppet to run a Jenkins job after a successful deployment? -

we have jenkins ci server builds our application's war file svn whenever detects check-in, after successful build use jenkins job allows manually deploy application, internally run puppet move war , restart container if needed.

in other hand, have jenkins job builds maven project contains set of soapui functional tests rest api contained in our application. of course, tests require application deployed in server before execute.

the tests run maven command this:

mvn test 

what want make puppet trigger jenkins job execution after deploys war, how can accomplished?

we using manifest similar 1 used here

basically deployment being done definition:

define tomcat::deployment($path) {    include tomcat   notice("establishing http://$hostname:${tomcat::tomcat_port}/$name/")    file { "/opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.47/webapps/${name}.war":     owner => 'root',     source => $path,   }  } 

i think can chain exec inside manifest , run cli command or call jenkins rest interface using curl slav suggests in answer

jenkins can triggered through cli. go server in browser address http://<your-jenkins-server/cli full list of commands can call cli.

you can trigger jenkins through http api calls. don't need more wget that.


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