qt - Can LLDB data formatters call methods? -
i'm debugging qt application using lldb. @ breakpoint can write
(lldb) p myqstring.toutf8().data()
and see string contained within myqstring, data() returns char*. able write
(lldb) p myqstring
and same output. didn't work me:
(lldb) type summary add --summary-string "${var.toutf8().data()}" qstring
is possible write simple formatter this, or need know internals of qstring , write python script?
alternatively, there way should using lldb view qstrings way?
the following work
first register summary command: debugger.handlecommand('type summary add -f set_sblldbbp.qstring_summary "qstring"') here implementation def make_string_from_pointer_with_offset(f,offs,l): strval = 'u"' try: data_array = f.getpointeedata(0, l).uint16 x in range(offs, l): v = data_array[x] if v == 0: break strval += unichr(v) except: pass strval = strval + '"' return strval.encode('utf-8') #qt5 def qstring_summary(value, unused): try: d = value.getchildmemberwithname('d') #have divide 2 (size of unsigned short = 2) offset = d.getchildmemberwithname('offset').getvalueasunsigned() / 2 size = get_max_size(value) return make_string_from_pointer_with_offset(d, offset, size) except: print '?????????????????????????' return value def get_max_size(value): _max_size_ = none try: debugger = value.gettarget().getdebugger() _max_size_ = int(lldb.sbdebugger.getinternalvariablevalue('target.max-string-summary-length', debugger.getinstancename()).getstringatindex(0)) except: _max_size_ = 512 return _max_size_
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