multithreading - Delphi 5 + BDE + TStoredProc + Oacle + Thread -

i'm trying develop application runs stored procedure in background mode.

1 - if run in mains thread, it's ok, it's lock screen.

2 - if put stpgen.execproc; in thread, it's runs ok, it's lock mains thread too.

is there option run tstoredproc in thread , don't lock main thread?


type    tstoredprocsegundoplano = class(tthread)    private       stpgen: tstoredproc;       excerro: exception;    protected       procedure execute; override;    public       constructor create(const stpgen: tstoredproc; const blnautofree, blnautostart: boolean);       property erro: exception read excerro;    end;  implementation  { tstoredprocsegundoplano }  constructor tstoredprocsegundoplano.create(const stpgen: tstoredproc;   const blnautofree, blnautostart: boolean); begin    inherited create(true);    self.excerro := nil;    self.stpgen := stpgen;    if blnautofree       freeonterminate := true;    if blnautostart       resume; end;  procedure tstoredprocsegundoplano.execute; begin    try       try          stpgen.execproc;       except          on e: exception          begin             excerro := acquireexceptionobject;          end;       end;          terminate;    end; end; 

so, call way:

tstoredprocsegundoplano.create(stpgen, true, true); 

in moment, application ok, few seconds after, maisn threads lock, don't have idea know resolve this, it's possivel run tstoredproc un background?



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