Difficulty trying to split a string in swift -

i have issue in swift when trying split bizzare string in swift

the string is:


37.33233141 -122.0312186


37.33233141 -122.0312

how should if try make this

qwerty.mapview 37.31 -122.031

tyrewq.mapview 37.33 -122.032

i tried things hit issue because of starting string having \n after each word

i did tests in playground. following code should want. can write shorter, better explanation split every command 1 line..

var numberformatter = nsnumberformatter() numberformatter.maximumfractiondigits = 3 // on number formatter can define desired layout  var teststring = "qwerty.mapview\n37.33233141 -122.0312186"  var splitbynewline = teststring.componentsseparatedbystring("\n") var splitbyspace = splitbynewline[1].componentsseparatedbystring(" ") var nsstringlongitude = nsstring(string:splitbyspace[0]) var longitude = nsstringlongitude.floatvalue  var nsstringlatitude = nsstring(string:splitbyspace[1]) var latitude = nsstringlatitude.floatvalue   var formattedlongitude = numberformatter.stringfromnumber(longitude) var formattedlatitude = numberformatter.stringfromnumber(latitude)  var finaloutput = "\(splitbynewline[0]) \(formattedlongitude) \(formattedlatitude)" 


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