javascript - RequireJS: CDN fallback not working with Kendo -

struggling set requirejs kendoui on cdn , can't fallback work.

... amazing burkeholland a kendo ui mvc spa template

this begin :

define([     '../scripts/kendo/2014.1.416/kendo.router.min',     '../scripts/kendo/2014.1.416/kendo.view.min',     '../scripts/kendo/2014.1.416/kendo.fx.min' ], function () {     return kendo; }) 

and works fine. if kendo.core.min not defined, first statement in kendo.router says define(["./kendo.core.min"] , loaded proper location.

however, when try use cdn fallback location :

requirejs.config({     paths: {                'router': ['//', '../scripts/kendo/2014.1.416/kendo.router.min'],         'view': ['//', '../scripts/kendo/2014.1.416/kendo.view.min'],         'fx': ['//', '../scripts/kendo/2014.1.416/kendo.fx.min']     } }); define([    'router',    'view',    'fx' ], function () {     return kendo; }); 

requirejs tries load kendo.core.min baseurl location, not fallback location.

am missing something?

however, if try :

requirejs.config({     paths: {         k: ['//', '../scripts/kendo/2014.1.416']     } }); define([    'k/kendo.router.min',    'k/kendo.view.min',    'k/kendo.fx.min' ], function () {     return kendo; }) 

fallback doesn't work @ all... missing?


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