javascript - Trying to display a link text and a link icon on the same line -

i'm using bootstrap create responsive navigation, , i'm using 1 of icons bootstrap provides create show/hide menu. problem is displaying arrow on different line. there way display arrow next text on 1 line?

here demo:

here's code accompanied fiddle make self contained:

<div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-3 col-md-3 col-lg-2">   <div class="sidebar-nav">     <div class="navbar navbar-default" role="navigation">       <div class="navbar-header">         <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".sidebar-navbar-collapse">           <span class="sr-only">toggle navigation</span>           <span class="icon-bar"></span>           <span class="icon-bar"></span>           <span class="icon-bar"></span>         </button>       <span class="visible-xs navbar-brand">left navigation</span>       </div><!--/.navbar-header -->       <div class="navbar-collapse collapse sidebar-navbar-collapse">       <nav id="leftnav" role="navigation" aria-label="left navigation">       <!-- templatebegineditable name="left navigation" -->           <ul class="nav navbar-nav">            <li><a href="#.html">home</a></li>           <li><a href="#"><strong>cars</strong></a>             <a href="#elp" class="expander" ><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-circle-arrow-right"></span></a>             <ul id="elp">               <li><a href="#">bmw</a></li>               <li><a href="#">honda</a></li>               <li><a href="#">toyota</a></li>                </ul>           </li>          </ul>        </nav> <!-- /left navigation -->       </div>        <!--/.nav-collapse -->     </div> <!--/.navbar-default -->     </div> <!--/.sidebar-nav -->   </div> <!--/.col-sm-3 col-md-3 col-lg-2-->   

you can wrap 2 elements within span , set span display:inline or inline-block.

<span style="display:inline-block;">     <a href="../gateway/index.html"><strong>cars</strong></a>     <a href="#elp" class="expander" >         <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-circle-arrow-right"></span>     </a> </span>


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