android - Facebook Login and Post To Wall works for first time only -

i have strange situation.i trying integrate facebook app.but login , post wall works first time.i struck past 2 days , not find solution.

here code snippet:

//.............facebook..........................  private static final string app_id = "my app id"; // instance of facebook class     private facebook facebook = new facebook(app_id);     private asyncfacebookrunner masyncrunner;      private sharedpreferences mprefs;     string access_token;     long expires;  //............facebook..............................//                  else if(actionid == id_facebook)                 {                     masyncrunner = new asyncfacebookrunner(facebook);                     filename=mylist.get(posglobal).get("foldername");                      mprefs = getpreferences(mode_private);                      access_token = mprefs.getstring("access_token", null);                     expires = mprefs.getlong("access_expires", 0);                      if (access_token != null) {                         facebook.setaccesstoken(access_token);                          log.d("fb sessions", "" + facebook.issessionvalid());                     }                      if (expires != 0) {                         facebook.setaccessexpires(expires);                     }                      if (!facebook.issessionvalid()) {                         facebook.authorize(boondriveactivity.this,                                 new string[] { "email", "publish_stream" },                                 new dialoglistener() {                                      @override                                     public void oncancel() {                                         // function handle cancel event                                     }                                      @override                                     public void oncomplete(bundle values) {                                         // function handle complete event                                         // edit preferences , update facebook acess_token                                         final sharedpreferences.editor editor = mprefs.edit();                                         editor.putstring("access_token",                                                 facebook.getaccesstoken());                                         editor.putlong("access_expires",                                                 facebook.getaccessexpires());                                         editor.commit();                                         layoutinflater inflater=boondriveactivity.this.getlayoutinflater();                                         view layout=inflater.inflate(r.layout.createsharedialoglinkedin,null);                                         final alertdialog d1 = new alertdialog.builder(boondriveactivity.this)                                         // other options here ...                                         .setview(layout)                                         .create();                                         d1.getwindow().setsoftinputmode(windowmanager.layoutparams.soft_input_adjust_resize);                               ;                                         lntxtfilename=(textview)layout.findviewbyid(;                                         lnetmessage=(edittext)layout.findviewbyid(;                                         ln_btn_share=(button)layout.findviewbyid(;                                         ln_btn_showlink=(button)layout.findviewbyid(;                                         lnshowlink=(edittext)layout.findviewbyid(;                                          lntxtfilename.settext("share"+" "+filename+" "+"with:");                                          ln_btn_share.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {                                              @override                                             public void onclick(view v) {                                                 // todo auto-generated method stub                                                 posttowall();                                              }                                         });                                        }                                      @override                                     public void onerror(dialogerror error) {                                         // function handle error                                      }                                      @override                                     public void onfacebookerror(facebookerror fberror) {                                         // function handle facebook errors                                      }                                  });                     }                    } 

i inflating customize view post on wall.for first time value of access_token null , expires zero.but when try share second time nothing happens.i debugged application , find there value in access_token expires , condition if (!facebook.issessionvalid()) not firing.any help??i know using deprecated method couldn't find updated tutorials or documentations.

here code of post wall:

   /**      * function post facebook wall      * */     @suppresswarnings("deprecation")     public void posttowall() {      // post on user's wall.      facebook.dialog(this, "feed", new dialoglistener() {        @override       public void onfacebookerror(facebookerror e) {       }        @override       public void onerror(dialogerror e) {       }        @override       public void oncomplete(bundle values) {       }        @override       public void oncancel() {       }      });      } 


i using code generate hash:

 // add code print out key hash         try {             packageinfo info = getpackagemanager().getpackageinfo(                     "com.india.webguru.bizboon",                      packagemanager.get_signatures);             (signature signature : info.signatures) {                 messagedigest md = messagedigest.getinstance("sha");                 md.update(signature.tobytearray());                 log.d("keyhash:", base64.encodetostring(md.digest(), base64.default));                 system.out.println("facebook hash===>"+base64.encodetostring(md.digest(), base64.default));             }         } catch (namenotfoundexception e) { e.printstacktrace();         } catch (nosuchalgorithmexception e) { e.printstacktrace();         } 

same issue solved following steps:

method 1

goto cmd : c:\program files (x86)\java\jdk1.7.0_02\bin (use path)

1) generate debug key

keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64  3***w/****************=  (require debug key) 

2) generate hash key

keytool -exportcert -alias 3***w/****************= -keystore "c:\users\smartphone developer\.android\debug.keystore" | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64  *******+************= (require hash key) 

note: if hash key gives error, copy paste same hash generated facebook in exception & add "=" in end..

valid hash facebook = ***************/a*0=

edit: download openssl & place folder c:\openssl

update 1 (step vise): after placing openssl folder in c drive, open cmd & write commands:

method 2

step 1

c:\program files\java\jre7>bin 

step 2

c:\program files\java\jre7\bin>keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keyst ore "c:\users\smartphone developer\.android\debug.keystore" | "c:\openssl\bin\openssl" sha 1 -binary | "c:\openssl\bin\openssl" base64 

enter keystore password: android


step 3

    c:\program files\java\jre7\bin>keytool -exportcert -alias u***zt***t***2t***bu*fj***w=  -keystore "c:\users\smartphone developer\.android\debug.keystore" | "c:\openssl\bin     \openssl" sha1 -binary | "c:\openssl\bin\openssl" base64 

enter keystore password: android

d*w+i***9/6vs***np***cf***g= (required hash)

if downloaded correct openssl must work, tested procedure..


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