Ruby Asana Gem - Get all tasks with particular tag -

im using ruby asana gem

as per documentation, in controller have:

tag = asana::tag.find(6498432136675) @waiting_tasks = tag.tasks 

however, returns:

failed.  response code = 400.  response message = bad request. 

i have confirmed id correct. if use:

puts tag.inspect 

i following:

#<asana::tag:0x007f94432af498 @attributes={"id"=>6498432136675, "created_at"=>"2013-07-14t10:05:13.070z", "name"=>"waiting for", "notes"=>"", "workspace"=>#<asana::workspace:0x007f94432aea98 @attributes={"id"=>6399696678844, "name"=>"ministry of crazy ideas"}, @prefix_options={}, @persisted=false>, "color"=>"light-teal", "followers"=>[]}, @prefix_options={}, @persisted=true> 

i dont understand why not returning tasks documented in read me. if can shed light on hugely grateful.

sounds it's bug in ruby gem. however, underlying api issue. try curl -u <your api key>: - if works, gem isn't constructing right url (aka, one). if still returns 400, issue may api.


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