powershell - Fine-tuning Get-Counter script for quicker execution -

below script process utilization of individual w3wp.exe app pools, problem each iteration takes 2 seconds there 25 app pools. can please me fine tune below script faster execution.

    gwmi win32_process -filter 'name="w3wp.exe"' | % {     $name=$_.name     $cmd = $pattern.match($_.commandline).groups[1].value     $procid = $_.processid     $tmp = (get-counter "\process(*)\id process").countersamples | where-object       {$_.cookedvalue -eq $procid} | select -expand path     $calc = [regex]::match($tmp,'\(([^\)]+)\)').groups[1].value     $cooked = (get-counter "\process($calc)\% processor time").countersamples | where-object {$_.instancename -notlike '_total'} | select -expand cookedvalue     $cpuper = [math]::round( ($cooked/2), 0)     echo $cpuper     } 

it looks get-counter has minimum sample time of 1 second. resulting in minimum execution time of 1 second per call. best bet counters front , counters interested in.

this doing. prints process id , % processor time in table.

$proc = 'w3wp' $samples = get-counter '\process($proc*)\id process', '\process($proc*)\% processor time' | select -expand countersamples  $samples | group { split-path $_.path } | ft @{ n='id'; e={$_.group[0].cookedvalue} }, @{ n='% processor'; e={[math]::round($_.group[1].cookedvalue/2, 0)} } 


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