nsstring - Splitting a string to more lines objective c -
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i know how create nsstring that, when displayed, shows on 2 lines. i've tried \n or @"\n" , nothing works.
sklabelnode *gameinstructions = [sklabelnode labelnodewithfontnamed:@"avenirnext-heavy"]; gameinstructions.text = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"play! \n hello"]; gameinstructions.fontcolor = [self randomcolor]; gameinstructions.fontsize = [self convertfontsize:30]; gameinstructions.zposition = 0; gameinstructions.horizontalalignmentmode = sklabelhorizontalalignmentmodecenter; gameinstructions.position = cgpointmake(cgrectgetmidx(self.frame), cgrectgetmidy(self.frame)); skaction *textfade = [skaction fadealphato:0 duration:7]; [gameinstructions runaction:textfade]; [self addchild:gameinstructions];
so how app display "hello" on separate line "play!"?
with addition question of container type sklabelnode
question not seem support multi-line text. adding line break character \n not produce desired result: 2 lines of text.
in instance answer not work.
for line break:
gameinstructions.text = @"play!\nhello";
the line breakcharacter in ios \n
but wether or not break when displayed depend on container supporting multiple lines.
gameinstructions.text = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"play! hello"];
is redundant, simply:
gameinstructions.text = @"play! hello";.
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