java - Why Json ask for no argument constructor for Junit test? -

i have problem deserializing json string using jackson. getting error : com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsonmappingexception: no suitable constructor found type [simple type, class ratingdmo]: can not instantiate json object (need add/enable type information?)

i have fields mapped json file , parameters available properties , have same type.

note :- if provide no-arg constructor(just checking if works), test works.

i can't provide/leave default constructor in code have few final fields in model.

mapper.readvalue(new file("ratingrequest.json"), ratingdmo.class);

json file :-

{     "company": "test",     "state": "nj",     "lob": "pa",     "channel": "ia",     "username": "globalbatchuser",     "password": "globalbatchuser",     "policynumber": "test",     "policykey": 7267,     "transactiontype": "quote",     "evaluationtype": null,     "clientid": null,     "policyterm": "6",     "effectivedate": "01/01/1980",     "policyxml": null,     "firstname": null,     "lastname": null,     "businessname": null,     "city": null,     "zip": null,     "effectivedtstart": "06/06/2013",     "effectivedtend": "06/06/2014",     "searchtype": "uw1",     "uuid": null,     "policystatuscodes": [],     "eadvisorcoverages": {},     "customcoverages": {},     "defaultcoverages": {},     "action": null,     "type": null,     "selectedcoverage": null,     "motorclubmember": true,     "selectedsubcoveres": null,     "customrated": true,     "policydmo": {     "policykey": 0,     "company": "hp",     "state": "nj",     "lob": "auto",     "channel": null,     "addresses": [         {             "addressid": 0,             "addrline1txt": "20 martin rd",             "addrline2txt": null,             "addrline3txt": null,             "addrline4txt": null,             "cityname": "livingston",             "cityaliasname": null,             "countyname": null,             "countrycd": null,             "districtcd": null,             "housenum": null,             "poboxind": null,             "statecd": "nj",             "zip": "07039",             "zipplusfour": null,             "addresstype": "address_residence_key",             "vehicleid": 0         },         {             "addressid": 0,             "addrline1txt": "20 martin rd",             "addrline2txt": null,             "addrline3txt": null,             "addrline4txt": null,             "cityname": "livingston",             "cityaliasname": null,             "countyname": null,             "countrycd": null,             "districtcd": null,             "housenum": null,             "poboxind": null,             "statecd": "nj",             "zip": "07039",             "zipplusfour": null,             "addresstype": "address_mailing_key",             "vehicleid": 0         }     ],     "policyinfo": {         "policykey": 0,         "mailingaddrid": 0,         "prioraddrid": 0,         "residentialaddrid": 0,         "billingaddrid": 0,         "employeraddrid": 0,         "policynum": "test",         "policyeffdt": 1371614400000,         "policyexpdt": null,         "companycd": null,         "statecd": "nj",         "term": 0,         "emailid": "",         "faxnum": null,         "homephonenum": null,         "workphonenum": null,         "mailingaddrissameind": "y",         "plfcd": "hipt",         "affinitycd": null,         "motorclubind": null,         "homeownerind": null,         "homeinscarriername": null,         "emporreteduinstind": null,         "residenceinstypecd": null,         "policycancelledwithin3yrsind": null,         "declineemailind": null,         "militaryserviceind": null,         "clueordind": null,         "otherinsurancebasicorspecialind": null,         "healthinsurancecarriername": null,         "healthinsurancepolicynumber": null,         "transactionprogress": "1",         "numofaccidentinloanedvehicle": null,         "allinsuredind": null,         "medicaremediaidind": null,         "uwcompanycd": null,         "policyissueno": null,         "associatededuaffilatedorgind": null,         "edocumentsind": null     },     "eligibility": [],     "policyagency": {         "policykey": 0,         "branchid": null,         "agencyid": null,         "producerid": null,         "agencyhierid": 23155,         "agentloginid": null,         "username": null,         "usertypecd": null,         "emailaddressid": null,         "referchannel": "others"     },     "participants": [         {             "policykey": 0,             "participantid": 0,             "firstname": "khagendra",             "middlename": null,             "lastname": "siripurapu",             "suffix": null,             "birthdate": null,             "ssn": null,             "fid": null,             "gender": "",             "licnum": null,             "licstatecd": null,             "maritalstatuscd": null,             "relationshiptoinscd": "a",             "businessname": null,             "participantrole": "primary_insured"         }     ],     "vehicles": [],     "drivers": [         {             "driverid": 0,             "firstname": "khagendra",             "middlename": null,             "lastname": "siripurapu",             "licenseatage": 0,             "licensestatuscode": null,             "defensedrivercourseindicator": null,             "goodstudentindicator": null,             "drivertrainingindicator": null,             "awayatschoolindicator": null,             "incidents": null,             "occupation": null,             "insuredonother": null,             "continuouscoverageindicator": null,             "priorlicensenumber": null,             "drivercoursedate": null,             "drivercoursename": null,             "firstlicensenonusa": null,             "awayatmilitaryindicator": null,             "sr22filingindicator": null,             "otherpolicycarriername": null,             "awayatschoolcomment": null,             "licenseoosprior3yrsind": "n",             "licenseoosprior3yearsstatecd": null,             "advdrivertrainingdate": null,             "defensivedrivercoursedate": null,             "otherpolicytypecode": null,             "accidentprvntcoursedate": null,             "phonenumber": null,             "safetypledgeind": null,             "accidents": null,             "violations": null         }     ],     "priorcarrier": {         "priorbilimits": null,         "priorcarrname": null,         "policykey": 0,         "continuouscoveragedesc": null,         "lapsedreason": null,         "numofyearofcontinuouscoverage": null,         "activecurrentpoilcyind": null     },     "discounts": null,     "companionpolicy": null,     "payment": null  },     "allinsuredind": "y",     "medicaremediaidind": "y",     "driversgreaterthan65": true } 

pojo class :

public class ratingdmo implements serializable {      private static final long serialversionuid = -433016040176969496l;     private string company;     private string state;     private string lob;     private string channel;     private string username;     private string password;     private string policynumber;     private long policykey;     private string transactiontype;     private string evaluationtype;     private string clientid;     private string policyterm;     private string effectivedate;     private string policyxml;     private string webxml;     private string firstname;     private string lastname;     private string businessname;     private string city;     private string zip;     private string effectivedtstart;     private string effectivedtend;     private string searchtype;     private string uuid;     private list<string> policystatuscodes;     private map<string,string> eadvisorcoverages;     private map<string,string> customcoverages;     private map<string,string> defaultcoverages;     private string action;     private string type;     private string selectedcoverage;     private boolean motorclubmember;     private string selectedsubcoveres;     private boolean customrated;     private final policydmo policydmo;     private final string allinsuredind;     private final string medicaremediaidind;     private final boolean driversgreaterthan65;      public policyratingrequestdmo(policydmo policydmo, string allinsuredind, string medicaremediaidind, boolean driversgreaterthan65){         this.policydmo = policydmo;         this.allinsuredind = allinsuredind;         this.medicaremediaidind = medicaremediaidind;         this.driversgreaterthan65 = driversgreaterthan65;     } ... } 

by default jackson's data binding try construct object using no-argument constructor , fill in object's properties corresponding bits of json. can override behaviour annotations

@jsoncreator public policyratingrequestdmo(@jsonproperty("policyinfo") policydmo policydmo,          @jsonproperty("allinsuredind") string allinsuredind,          @jsonproperty("medicaremediaidind") string medicaremediaidind,          @jsonproperty("driversgreaterthan65") boolean driversgreaterthan65){     this.policydmo = policydmo;     this.allinsuredind = allinsuredind;     this.medicaremediaidind = medicaremediaidind;     this.driversgreaterthan65 = driversgreaterthan65; } 

the jsoncreator annotation tells jackson constructor call, , parameters annotated jsonproperty indicate properties in json correspond parameters in constructor. additional properties in json not correspond constructor arguments injected via setters or direct field access normal.


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