Imacros - Invitation code missing 3 letters/numbers -
imacros. have find out invitation code site, it's code contains letters(a-z) , numbers(0-9). there 3 missing, xxx exemple. but, how make "for" considerate letters , numbers on imacros? have use javascript?
this code have:
version build=8820413 recorder=fx tab t=1 tab closeallothers url goto=(url site) tag pos=1 type=input:text form=action:confirmcod.php attr=name:cod content=123xxxabc tag pos=1 type=input:submit form=action:confirmcod.php attr=*
one way without using javascript preload datasource of possible combinations link. iterate on document until find proper link.
version build=8820413 recorder=fx tab t=1 tab closeallothers set !datasource c:\mysource set !datasource_columns 1 set !datasource_line {{!loop}} url goto=(url site) tag pos=1 type=input:text form=action:confirmcod.php attr=name:cod content={{!col1}} tag pos=1 type=input:submit form=action:confirmcod.php attr=*
wiki page imacro datasource.
if want use javascript need use iimplay generate macro code on fly. example below iterates checks random strings until imacros returns 1 or sok.
// possible keys link var keys = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; // array store past keys var keyarray = []; var mykey = ""; var i, j, k = 0; var pagenotfound = true; var macro = ""; var retcode = 0; var myurl = ""; { = keys.charat(math.floor(math.random()*keys.length)) j = keys.charat(math.floor(math.random()*keys.length)); k = keys.charat(math.floor(math.random()*keys.length)); mykey = + j + k; if (keyarray.indexof(mykey, 0) < 0) { keyarray.push(mykey); // run imacro code key macro = "code:"; macro += "tab t=1\n"; macro += "tab closeallothers\n"; macro += "url goto=" + myurl + "\n"; macro += "tag pos=1 type=input:text form=id:gbqf attr=id:gbqfq content=" + mykey + "\n"; macro += "tag pos=1 type=button form=id:gbqf attr=id:gbqfb\n"; retcode = iimplay(macro); // check if page found if (retcode) { // if page found set pagenotfound = false; pagenotfound = false; } } else { // key has been used already, try different one. } } while(pagenotfound);
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