Java 8 - Streams Nested ForEach with different Collection -
i try understand new java 8 streams , tried days transfer nested foreach loops on collection in java 8 streams.
is possible refactor following nested foreach loops including if-conditions in java-8-streams?
if yes like.
arraylist<classinq> inq = new arraylist<>(); treemap<string, salesquot> quotations = new treemap<>(); arraylist<classinq> tempinqandquot = new arraylist<>(); arraylist<salesquot> tempquotpos = new arraylist<>(); (classinq siminq : this.inq){ if (!siminq.isclosed() && !siminq.isdenied()){ (map.entry<string, salesquot> quot: quotations.entryset()){ salesquot sapquot = quot.getvalue(); if (sapquot.getinquirydocumentnumber().compareto(siminq.getsapinquirynumber()) == 0){ siminq.setsapquotationnumber(sapquot.getquotationdocumentnumber()); tempinqandquot.add(siminq); (map.entry<string, salesquotposition> quotp : sapquot.getposition().entryset()){ tempquotpos.add(quotp.getvalue()); } } } } }
thanks lot help.
first, try adhere java naming conventions, upper case variable names make hard read code. second, it’s thing want learn stream
api should not ignore basics of pre-java 8 collection
it’s not useful iterate on entryset()
when interested in either, keys or values. 2 times within small piece of code.
at first appearance can replace
for (map.entry<string, salesquot> quot: quotations.entryset()){ salesquot sapquot = quot.getvalue();
with simpler
for (salesquot sapquot: quotations.values()){
at second, entire
for(map.entry<string,salesquotposition> quotp: sapquot.getposition().entryset()){ tempquotpos.add(quotp.getvalue()); }
can replaced by
thus without streams, code can simplified to
for (classinq siminq : this.inq){ if (!siminq.isclosed() && !siminq.isdenied()){ (salesquot sapquot: quotations.values()){ if (sapquot.getinquirydocumentnumber().compareto(siminq.getsapinquirynumber()) == 0){ siminq.setsapquotationnumber(sapquot.getquotationdocumentnumber()); tempinqandquot.add(siminq); tempquotpos.addall(sapquot.getposition().values()); } } } }
though it’s still not clear supposed , whether it’s correct. besides errors , suspicions named in comments question, modifying incoming values (esp. outer loop) not right.
it’s not clear why using ….compareto(…)==0
rather equals
however, can straight-forwardly rewritten use streams without changing of code’s logic: -> !siminq.isclosed() && !siminq.isdenied()) .foreach(siminq -> quotations.values().stream().filter(sapquot -> sapquot.getinquirydocumentnumber().compareto(siminq.getsapinquirynumber())==0) .foreach(sapquot -> { siminq.setsapquotationnumber(sapquot.getquotationdocumentnumber()); tempinqandquot.add(siminq); tempquotpos.addall(sapquot.getposition().values()); }) );
still, recommend cleaning original logic first before rewriting using other apis. stream form benefit more precise definition of achieve.
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