Python C-API segmentation fault -
i have code:
static pyobject* py_write(pyobject *self, pyobject* args){ pyobject *tx_list; pyobject *item = 0; uint8_t tx_len = 0; /* parse arguments */ if(!pyarg_parsetuple(args, "o!", &pylist_type, &tx_list)){ return null; } /* length of list */ tx_len = pylist_size(tx_list); /* allocate memory output buffer */ uint8_t *tx_buffer = (uint8_t *)malloc(tx_len * sizeof(uint8_t)); memset(tx_buffer, 0, sizeof(uint8_t)); /* populate output buffer */ int i; for(i = 0; < tx_len; i++){ item = pylist_getitem(tx_list, i); tx_buffer[i] = (uint8_t)pyint_aslong(item); } /* send data */ if(spi_write(fd, tx_buffer, tx_len) < 0){ return pyerr_setfromerrno(pyexc_ioerror); } /* cleanup */ free(tx_buffer); py_decref(item); py_decref(tx_list); py_return_none; }
when call once method there no problem. on ~2000 segmentation fault. guess there wrong reference count. can give me hand or tell method debugging?
returns borrowed reference, don't need py_decref
item. also, when calling python c-api calls, null
returned if there's exception. check null
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