php - Facebook Long Token: you must provide or set a default application secret -

im using facebook php sdk exchange short lived token new long lived token. says here, should call url these parameters:

get /oauth/access_token?  client_id={app-id} &client_secret={app-secret} &grant_type=client_credentials 

if call directly in browser, works ok. curl call , ok. want stay close oficial facebooksdk, in class did method:

public function renewtoken($usershorttoken, $redirecturi = false) {      if ($redirecturi !== false)         $this->redirecturi = $redirecturi;      $this->fbsession = new facebooksession($usershorttoken);     $params = '/oauth/access_token?grant_type=fb_exchange_token' .                 '&client_id=' . $this->appid .                 '&client_secret=' . $this->appsecret .                  '&fb_exchange_token=' . $usershorttoken .                 '&appsecret_proof=' . hash_hmac('sha256', $usershorttoken, $this->appsecret);     # appsecret_proof:     $this->debug->log('params', $params);      try {         $request = new facebookrequest($this->fbsession, 'get', $params);         $this->debug->log('request', $params);         $response = $request->execute();         $this->debug->log('response', $response);         $object = $response->getgraphobject();         return $object;      } catch (facebookrequestexception $ex) {         $this->debug->log('facebookrequestexception', $ex);     } catch (\exception $ex) {         $this->debug->log('facebookrequestexception', $ex->getmessage());     }      return false; } 

ps: "$usershorttoken" sent via ajax server, after user has logged in website through facebook javascritp sdk.

so see in console these errors (im using firephp output messages console):


you must provide or set default application secret. facebookrequestexception /myserver/.../socialshare/myclass.php:96

i cant understanding message. setted app secret, short token, necessary parameters in url. "appsecret_proof" hash. correct. if copy url , call graph, works , give me long token.

does have idea how stick facebooksdk or should drop task? want in correct possible way.

thank you.


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