c++ - Cocos2d-x 3.2 Error - Change Arrays to Vectors? -
i getting error following code because using arrays instead of vectors. best way write code using vectors?
ccanimate* createanimate(int framecount, float duration, const char* imagename) { ccarray * spritesarray = ccarray::create(); (int = 0; < framecount; i++) { ccstring *spritepath = ccstring::createwithformat("%s%i.png",imagename,i); ccsprite *sprite = ccsprite::create(spritepath->getcstring()); spritesarray->addobject(sprite); } ccarray *animationframes = ccarray::create(); (int = 0; < spritesarray->count(); i++) { ccsprite *sprite = (ccsprite*)spritesarray->objectatindex(i); ccspriteframe *frame = sprite->displayframe(); animationframes->addobject(frame); } ccanimation* animation = ccanimation::createwithspriteframes(animationframes,duration); ccanimate* animate= ccanimate::create(animation); return animate; }
vector<spriteframe*> villanspriteframes(framecount); (int = 1; <= framecount; i++) { char filename[128] = { 0 }; sprintf(filename, "imagename%d.png", i); auto frames = spritecache->getspriteframebyname(filename); villanspriteframes.pushback(frames); } auto swordrun = animation::createwithspriteframes(villanspriteframes, duration); swordrun->setrestoreoriginalframe(true); auto animate = animate::create(swordrun); return animate;
to use code u have use .plist file using texture packer, pack files in using desired names. add texture file in init method like...
spriteframecache *spritecachespritecache = spriteframecache::getinstance(); spritecache->addspriteframeswithfile("fightanim.plist", "fightanim.png");
spriteframecache singleton object. hope helps you.
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