angularjs - AngularStrap 2.x throw 404 Not Found when used with requirejs -

i'm trying use angular-strap requirejs in project , did following in requirejs.config.js file:

require.config({   baseurl: 'app',   paths: {     ..........      angular:                  '../bower_components/angular/angular',     'angular-strap':          '../bower_components/angular-strap/dist/angular-strap.min',     'angular-strap-tpl':      '../bower_components/angular-strap/dist/angular-strap.tpl.min',      ..............   },   shim: {     ...........      angular: {       deps: ['jquery'],       exports: 'angular'     },      bootstrap: {       deps: ['jquery']     },      jquery: {       exports: 'jquery'     },      // simple dependency declaration     'jquery-ui':            ['jquery'],     'jquery.flot':          ['jquery'],     'jquery.flot.pie':      ['jquery', 'jquery.flot'],     'jquery.flot.selection':['jquery', 'jquery.flot'],     'jquery.flot.stack':    ['jquery', 'jquery.flot'],     'jquery.flot.stackpercent':['jquery', 'jquery.flot'],     'jquery.flot.time':     ['jquery', 'jquery.flot'],      'angular-sanitize':     ['angular'],     'angular-animate':      ['angular'],     'angular-cookies':      ['angular'],     'angular-dragdrop':     ['jquery','jquery-ui','angular'],     'angular-loader':       ['angular'],     'angular-mocks':        ['angular'],     'angular-resource':     ['angular'],     'angular-route':        ['angular'],     'angular-touch':        ['angular'],      'angular-strap':        ['angular', 'angular-animate', 'bootstrap','timepicker', 'datepicker'],     'angular-strap-tpl':    ['angular', 'angular-strap'],      .......   } }); 

that's sample of file (i added dots removed details).

when tried start app, got following console logs:

get http://localhost:8983/project/tooltip/tooltip.tpl.html 404 (not found) angular.js:8521 http://localhost:8983/project/tooltip/tooltip.tpl.html 404 (not found) angular.js:8521 http://localhost:8983/project/tooltip/tooltip.tpl.html 404 (not found) angular.js:8521 ................................ 

i noticed angular-strap looks these files in baseurl, weren't found. how can make angular-strap search templates in correct file?

i found problem , injector can't find "angular-strap-tpl" path, when added app.js in require function worked.

sample code app.js

define([   'angular',   'jquery',   'underscore',   'require',    'elasticjs',   'solrjs',   'bootstrap',   'angular-route',   'angular-sanitize',   'angular-animate',   'angular-strap',   'angular-strap-tpl',   'angular-dragdrop',   'extend-jquery' ] 

and in manual bootstrapper of application added "mgcrea.ngstrap" dependency array this:

  var apps_deps = [     'elasticjs.service',     'solrjs.service',     'nganimate',     'mgcrea.ngstrap',     'ngroute',     'ngsanitize',     'ngdragdrop'   ]; 

this solved problem , works now.


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