ios - Applications camera on App Store is working slower than test version -

we have encountered strange issue , ask if had same problems in practice.

in application have implemented latest apples example of custom camera using avfoundation. have said have followed example thoroughly , call phases in recommended order, change have made have separated camera management separate class, have provided sufficient interface interaction.

viewcontroller contains camera preview view may lead 2 other standard screens not demand lot of time initialisation (at least not visible). transition happens via navigationcontroller.

in our tests in debug mode , via testflight , hockeyapp (adhoc certificate last two) application ran flawlessly without lags. when ran version app store, has same code, noted transitions viewcontroller camera , stuck 2-4 seconds. have checked both code , internet possible causes , similar issues, have not found anything.

so, have here encountered same issues camera, or situations when released application behaved differently, and, maybe, can tell in direction should dig?

please tell if need additional information.

one thing, make results of test , release binaries different compiler optimisation level settings. avfoundation loves dispatch queues , aggressive optimisation cause block main queue somewhere. instruments might helpful.


it possible use time profile analyse happens. need attach process, select correct .dsym , measure. once find longest call, optimise it.


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