android - I want to repeat the animation on touch/click on screen in Libgdx -

i adding animation game, added images in array[] of textureregion , added key frames , duration animation().

i have set play-mode normal.

but when doing this:

if(gdx.input.istouched())     {           batch.begin();         readytext_elapsedtime +=;         batch.draw(anim.getkeyframe(readytext_elapsedtime, false), 5, 20);         batch.end();     } 

the result getting animation, if click fast, of frames preloaded , animation gets completed earlier. might solution this?

and cant comment yet, ask here make question bit clearer.

for animation can set speed - when create new animation: new animation(float frameduration, textureregion... keyframes), change frameduration adjust speed.

also can advise use texturepacker textureatlas animation keyframes, not add hand array. check out answer on this question


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