css - CssStyleHelper calculateValue fails for a looked up value (-fx-cursor) -

i'm building app using javafx 8 , whenever run it, wall of text warning me looked value -fx-cursor rule of text input controls not resolved:

aug 17, 2014 10:16:26 pm javafx.scene.cssstylehelper calculatevalue warning: not resolve 'a lookup value' while resolving lookups '-fx-cursor' rule '*.text-area *.content' in stylesheet jar:file:/library/java/javavirtualmachines/jdk1.8.0.jdk/contents/home/jre/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar!/com/sun/javafx/scene/control/skin/modena/modena.bss

i received similar warning *.text-input style class , attempted manually specify rule in css file, did not remove warning, shown below:

aug 17, 2014 10:16:26 pm javafx.scene.cssstylehelper calculatevalue warning: not resolve 'a lookup value' while resolving lookups '-fx-cursor' rule '*.text-input' in stylesheet file:/users/orionf22/netbeansprojects/myapp/target/classes/styles/myapp.css

i saw similar questions online said have default css file not being loaded prior component looking value, recommended solutions such questions did not work me. have tried explicitly declaring both caspian , modena stylesheet application via setuseragentstylesheet() has not worked.

my mistake subtle error in css file: had defined color under .root class called text, hid existing value of same name -fx-cursor rule. renaming defined color solved problem.


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