java - How to use relative cell highlighting in SwingX? -

i want highlight cells in org.jdesktop.swingx.jxtreetable relative value inside in swingx showcase under 'highlighting (extended)':

there code provided in showcase can't work, doesn't highlight anything. can't comprehend highlighter gets bind values (maybe provided code not complete). there no documentation available.

here code showcase:

this code:

private void initialize( profilethread profilethread ) {     try     {       uimanager.setlookandfeel( uimanager.getsystemlookandfeelclassname() );     }     catch ( exception e )     {       e.printstacktrace();     }      setbounds( 0, 0, 800, 600 );     setdefaultcloseoperation( jframe.exit_on_close );      settitle( "profilelog" );      noroottreetablemodel model = new noroottreetablemodel(         profilethread.getprofilethreadelements(), );     jxtreetable treetable = new jxtreetable( model );      mattepainter painter = new mattepainter( paintutils.setalpha(, 125 ) );     highlighter = new relativepainterhighlighter( painter );      highlighter.sethighlightpredicate( highlightpredicate.always );      treetable.addhighlighter( highlighter );      jscrollpane treeview = new jscrollpane( treetable );     getcontentpane().add( treeview );      setvisible( true );   }    public void setcurrentduration( long duration )   {     durationrelativizer relativizer = createdurationrelativizer( duration );     highlighter.setrelativizer( relativizer );   }    /**    * creates , returns relativizer given intermediate value.    *    */   private durationrelativizer createdurationrelativizer( long duration )   {     return new durationrelativizer( 0, true, 15000, duration );   }    public static class durationrelativizer extends numberrelativizer   {      public durationrelativizer( int column, boolean spreadcolumns, number max, number current )     {       super( column, spreadcolumns, max, current );     }      @override     protected number getnumber( componentadapter adapter )     {       if ( !( adapter.getvalue( getvaluecolumn() ) instanceof profilethreadelement ) )       {         return null;       }       return ( (profilethreadelement) adapter.getvalue( getvaluecolumn() ) ).getduration();     }   } 

i took relevant pieces of code example , changed them requirements. relativepainterhighlighter class same in showcase.

this profilethreadelement class:

import java.util.arraylist; import; import java.util.enumeration; import java.util.iterator; import java.util.list;  import javax.swing.tree.treenode;  public class profilethreadelement implements treenode {   private date start;   private date end;   private long duration;   private string text;   private string result;    private profilethreadelement parent;   private list<profilethreadelement> children;    /**    * instantiates new profile thread element.    *    * @param timestamp timestamp    * @param text text    */   public profilethreadelement( date timestamp, string text )   {     super();     this.start = timestamp;     this.text = text;     this.children = new arraylist<profilethreadelement>();   }    /**    * close.    *    * @param timestamp timestamp    * @param duration duration    * @param result result    */   public void close( date timestamp, long duration, string result )   {     this.end = timestamp;     this.duration = duration;     this.result = result;    }    /**    * adds children.    *    * @param child child    */   public void addchildren( profilethreadelement child )   {     // if ( children == null )     // {     // children = new arraylist<profilethreadelement>();     // }      children.add( child );     child.setparent( );   }    /**    * @param parent parent set    */   void setparent( profilethreadelement parent )   {     this.parent = parent;   }    /**    * checks if open.    *    * @return true, if open    */   public boolean isopen()   {     return end == null;   }    /**    * @return start    */   public date getstart()   {     return start;   }    /**    * @return end    */   public date getend()   {     return end;   }    /**    * @return duration    */   public long getduration()   {     return duration;   }    /**    * @return text    */   public string gettext()   {     return text;   }    /**    * @return result    */   public string getresult()   {     return result;   }    /**    * @return parent    */   public profilethreadelement getparent()   {     return parent;   }    /**    * @return children    */   public list<profilethreadelement> getchildren()   {     return children;   }    /*    * (non-javadoc)    *    * @see javax.swing.tree.treenode#children()    */   @override   public enumeration<profilethreadelement> children()   {     return new enumeration<profilethreadelement>()     {       iterator<profilethreadelement> iterator = children.iterator();        @override       public boolean hasmoreelements()       {         return iterator.hasnext();       }        @override       public profilethreadelement nextelement()       {         return;       }     };   }    /*    * (non-javadoc)    *    * @see javax.swing.tree.treenode#getallowschildren()    */   @override   public boolean getallowschildren()   {     return !children.isempty();   }    /*    * (non-javadoc)    *    * @see javax.swing.tree.treenode#getchildat(int)    */   @override   public treenode getchildat( int childindex )   {     return children.get( childindex );   }    /*    * (non-javadoc)    *    * @see javax.swing.tree.treenode#getchildcount()    */   @override   public int getchildcount()   {     return children.size();   }    /*    * (non-javadoc)    *    * @see javax.swing.tree.treenode#getindex(javax.swing.tree.treenode)    */   @override   public int getindex( treenode node )   {     return children.indexof( node );   }    /*    * (non-javadoc)    *    * @see javax.swing.tree.treenode#isleaf()    */   @override   public boolean isleaf()   {     return children.isempty();   }    @override   public string tostring()   {     stringbuffer sb = new stringbuffer();      sb.append( duration );     sb.append( " ms " );     sb.append( text );      return sb.tostring();   } } 

and tree table model:

public class noroottreetablemodel extends abstracttreetablemodel {   private final static string[] column_names = { "duration (ms)", "function call", "class" };    private list<profilethreadelement> profilethreadelements;   private treeframe frame;    public noroottreetablemodel( list<profilethreadelement> profilethreadelements, treeframe frame )   {     super( new object() );     this.profilethreadelements = profilethreadelements;     this.frame = frame;   }    @override   public int getcolumncount()   {     return column_names.length;   }    @override   public string getcolumnname( int column )   {     return column_names[column];   }    @override   public boolean iscelleditable( object node, int column )   {     return false;   }    @override   public object getvalueat( object node, int column )   {     if ( node instanceof profilethreadelement )     {       matcher matcher;       pattern pattern;        profilethreadelement element = (profilethreadelement) node;        switch ( column )       {         case 0: // duration           frame.setcurrentduration( element.getduration() );           return element.getduration();         case 1: // function           pattern = pattern.compile( "\\.[a-z][a-za-z]+\\(.*\\)" );           matcher = pattern.matcher( element.gettext() );           if ( matcher.find() )             return 1 );           else             return "";         case 2: // class           pattern = pattern.compile( ".+?(?=\\.[a-z][a-za-z]+\\(.*\\))" );           matcher = pattern.matcher( element.gettext() );           if ( matcher.find() )             return "class ", "" );           else             return "";       }     }     return null;   }    @override   public int getchildcount( object parent )   {     if ( parent instanceof profilethreadelement )     {       profilethreadelement element = (profilethreadelement) parent;       return element.getchildren().size();     }     return profilethreadelements.size();   }    @override   public object getchild( object parent, int index )   {     if ( parent instanceof profilethreadelement )     {       profilethreadelement element = (profilethreadelement) parent;       return element.getchildren().get( index );     }     return profilethreadelements.get( index );   }    @override   public int getindexofchild( object parent, object child )   {     profilethreadelement element = (profilethreadelement) parent;     return element.getchildren().indexof( (profilethreadelement) child );   } } 

i think biggest problem have no clue call treeframe.setcurrentduration(...) method. missing in showcase demo. has got relative highlighting work?

any appreciated, in advance!

ps: if missed or if need further information, please tell me!

i've cut out didn't need , noticed dohighlight(..) never called. reason canhighlight(..) returned false because relativizer null.


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