file io - Rename the folder in IOS box v2 api -

the following procedure given in box developer site .

curl \ -h "authorization: bearer access_token" \ -d '{"name":"new folder name!"}' \ -x put 

here code :

nsstring *newdirectoryname; nsstring *str; nsstring*fid = [[boxfilepathsarray objectatindex:0] objectforkey:@"folderid"]; nsstring * type = [[boxfilepathsarray objectatindex:0]objectforkey:@"type"]; nsstring * str_access_token = [[arruseraccounts objectatindex:[dropboxdownloadfileviewcontrolller getsharedinstance].index] objectforkey:@"acces_token"];  if ([type isequaltostring:@"folder"]) {     newdirectoryname =tempstring;     str =  [nsstring stringwithformat:@"",fid,str_access_token]; } else {     newdirectoryname = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@.pdf",tempstring];     str =  [nsstring stringwithformat:@"",fid,str_access_token]; }  asiformdatarequest *postparams = [asiformdatarequest requestwithurl:[nsurl urlwithstring:str]]; [postparams setpostvalue:newdirectoryname forkey:@"name"];  [postparams setrequestmethod:@"put"]; [postparams startasynchronous]; postparams.delegate = self ; postparams.userinfo = [nsdictionary dictionarywithobject:@"renamefolder" forkey:@"id"]; 

the response i'm getting :

{   "status" : 400,   "help_url" : "http:\/\/\/docs\/#errors",   "code" : "bad_request",   "request_id" : "169126257953f1ed709ab32",   "context_info" : {     "errors" : [       {         "name" : "entity-body",         "message" : "invalid value 'name=dd'. entity body should correctly nested resource attribute name\/value pair",         "reason" : "invalid_parameter"       }     ]   },   "message" : "bad request",   "type" : "error" } 

i got solution. posted json body. here code.

nsstring *newdirectoryname; nsstring *str; nsstring*fid = [[boxfilepathsarray objectatindex:0] objectforkey:@"folderid"]; nsstring * type = [[boxfilepathsarray objectatindex:0]objectforkey:@"type"]; nsstring * str_access_token = [[arruseraccounts objectatindex:[dropboxdownloadfileviewcontrolller getsharedinstance].index] objectforkey:@"acces_token"];  if ([type isequaltostring:@"folder"]) {     newdirectoryname =tempstring;      str =  [nsstring stringwithformat:@"",fid,str_access_token];  } else {     newdirectoryname = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@.pdf",tempstring];      str =  [nsstring stringwithformat:@"",fid,str_access_token];  }  nsdictionary *cid = [[nsdictionary alloc] initwithobjectsandkeys:newdirectoryname,@"name", nil]; nserror *error; nsdata *postdata = [nsjsonserialization datawithjsonobject:cid options:0 error:&error]; nsmutabledata *data = [[nsmutabledata alloc] initwithdata:postdata];  asiformdatarequest *postparams = [asiformdatarequest requestwithurl:[nsurl urlwithstring:str]]; //[postparams setpostvalue:newdirectoryname forkey:@"name"]; [postparams setpostbody:data]; [postparams setrequestmethod:@"put"]; [postparams startasynchronous]; postparams.delegate = self ; postparams.userinfo = [nsdictionary dictionarywithobject:@"renamefolder" forkey:@"id"]; 


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