jquery - Display arrow-boxes in repeater control in asp.net -

![enter image description here][1]


i want display data in repeater control in below images. have attached outuput of screen shot. have searched lot of things in internet didnt find way develope. please how implement task. data comes database , bind repeater contol , display boxes , arrrow between them. how draw arrow-boxes , rectagnle in repeater control , how xy position of each row , each recrod cell data @ run time.

![enter image description here][2]

you can that

    <asp:repeater id="repeater1" runat="server">     <headertemplate>         <div>             <div>dvd</div>             <div>                 <img src="~/imagebox.jpg" /></div>             <div>cd</div>             <div>                 <img src="~/imagebox.jpg" /></div>             <div>seller</div>         </div>     </headertemplate>     <itemtemplate>         <div id='row<%# container.itemindex%>'>             <div><%#eval("dvd") %></div>             <div>                 <img src="~/imagebox.jpg" /></div>             <div><%#eval("cd") %></div>             <div>                 <img src="~/imagebox.jpg" /></div>             <div><%#eval("seller") %></div>         </div>      </itemtemplate> </asp:repeater> 

by using code have image between different divs. need consider have add class defined width divs make them align in columns.


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