Having an issue with grid-based movement in Love2D/Lua -
using love2d lua framework, trying program basic game nintendo-era rpgs heroes' , npcs' movement restricted tiled grid. far i've found past problems, until hit tricky error player movement isn't functioning correctly.
function love.load() love.graphics.setdefaultfilter('nearest', 'nearest', 1) love.keyboard.setkeyrepeat(true) font = love.graphics.newfont(14) -- number denotes font size win_size = 6 love.window.setmode(160 * win_size, 144 * win_size) true_sfc = love.graphics.newcanvas(160,144) view_sfc = love.graphics.newcanvas(160 * win_size, 144 * win_size) player = { grid_x = 3, grid_y = 3, act_x = 48, act_y = 48, transit = false, direction = {0, 0} } end function love.update(dt) if player.transit == true -- idea if player selects direction, player walk in direction until stops on grid. -- when press left or right, movements works intended- player square walks until stops on grid. -- however, when press or down, player moves single pixel, despite having same instructions player.act_x = player.act_x + player.direction[1] player.act_y = player.act_y + player.direction[2] if player.act_x == player.grid_x * 16 player.direction[1] = 0 player.transit = false end if player.act_y == player.grid_y * 16 player.direction[2] = 0 player.transit = false end -- in if-statement, if have program compare player's y-coordinates before comparing x coordinates, -- program move player on y-axis correctly, locking 16 pixel grid, while x coordinates -- starts have single-pixel movement issue. end end function love.draw() love.graphics.setcanvas(true_sfc) love.graphics.setcolor( 0, 0, 0) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 0, 0, 256, 224) love.graphics.setcolor(255,255,255) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", player.act_x, player.act_y, 16, 16) love.graphics.print(player.direction[1], 100, 100) love.graphics.print(player.direction[2], 100, 120) love.graphics.setcanvas() love.graphics.draw(true_sfc, 0, 0, 0, win_size, win_size) end function love.keypressed(key) if player.transit == false if key == "up" player.grid_y = player.grid_y - 1 player.direction = {0, -1} player.transit = true elseif key == "down" player.grid_y = player.grid_y + 1 -- press down, player's map position goes down 1 tile player.direction = {0, 1} player.transit = true elseif key == "left" player.grid_x = player.grid_x - 1 player.direction = {-1, 0} player.transit = true elseif key == "right" player.grid_x = player.grid_x + 1 player.direction = {1, 0} player.transit = true end end end
admittedly i'm pretty new lua don't understand how uses variables well. , realize code isn't effecient, that's planned on improving on time anyway.
the problem here check if vertical movement lines up, see does, , set self.transit
false, preventing future checks.
you want check moving in direction, before checking if you're lined up:
if player.direction[1] ~= 0 , player.act_x == player.grid_x * 16 player.direction[1] = 0 player.transit = false end if player.direction[2] ~= 0 , player.act_y == player.grid_y * 16 player.direction[2] = 0 player.transit = false end
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