java - Vaadin Editable ComboBox with default options -

i'm new vaadin developer , i'm having little problem hope can resolve here.

actually have 1 combobox data 1 filter find matches so... need enter new values of user needs in combobox. problem can't enter new values, because when filter deleting new proposal.

my code...

    //select select_editable = new select();     combobox cbeducation = new combobox();     cbeducation.settextinputallowed(true);     cbeducation.setnewitemsallowed(true);     cbeducation.setfilteringmode(abstractselect.filtering.filteringmode_contains);     //fill component items.     (int = 0; < planets.length; i++)         (int j = 0; j < planets.length; j++) {             cbeducation.additem(planets[j] + " " + planets[i]);         }     //select_editable.     mainlayout.addcomponent(cbeducation, 1, 0);     mainlayout.setcomponentalignment(cbeducation, new alignment(33)); 

i hope can me... anyways reading

thanks in advance!

if want see new entered values after entered them have set combobox immediate mode true.


be careful if use visualdesigner create layouts. set components immediate state false. nice tool update soon.
