groovy - Grails/GORM BigInteger Unsigned Rejected -

i'm getting following error:

| error 2014-08-18 11:25:00,324 [localhost-startstop-1] error context.grailscontextloaderlistener  - error initializing application: validation error(s) occurred during save(): - field error in object 'my.package.content' on field 'filenamelookup': rejected value [16731516642733300018]; codes [my.package.content.filenamelookup.typemismatch.error,my.package.content.filenamelookup.typemismatch,content.filenamelookup.typemismatch.error,content.filenamelookup.typemismatch,,typemismatch.filenamelookup,,typemismatch]; arguments [filenamelookup]; default message [could not convert number [16731516642733300018] of type [java.math.biginteger] target class [java.lang.long]: overflow] message: validation error(s) occurred during save(): - field error in object 'my.package.content' on field 'filenamelookup': rejected value [16731516642733300018]; codes [my.package.content.filenamelookup.typemismatch.error,my.package.content.filenamelookup.typemismatch,content.filenamelookup.typemismatch.error,content.filenamelookup.typemismatch,,typemismatch.filenamelookup,,typemismatch]; arguments [filenamelookup]; default message [could not convert number [16731516642733300018] of type [java.math.biginteger] target class [java.lang.long]: overflow] line | method ->>    6 | docall                           in bootstrap$_closure1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  |    327 | evaluateenvironmentspecificblock in grails.util.environment |    320 | executeforenvironment . . . . .  in     '' |    296 | executeforcurrentenvironment     in     '' |    266 | run . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  in java.util.concurrent.futuretask |   1142 | runworker                        in java.util.concurrent.threadpoolexecutor |    617 | run . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  in java.util.concurrent.threadpoolexecutor$worker ^    745 | run                              in java.lang.thread error | forked grails vm exited error 

domain class:

    package my.package  // need fix constraints  class content {     // int id     long filenamelookup      static mapping = {         version false         filenamelookup column: 'file_name_lookup', type:org.hibernate.type.longtype, class: long     }      static constraints = {         filenamelookup(nullable:true, display:false, editable: false)     } } 


import my.package.content  class bootstrap {      def init = { servletcontext ->         new content(filenamelookup:16731516642733300018).save(failonerror:true)     }     def destroy = {     } } 

i tried long, biginteger, integer, etc... , burnt hours on trying figure out how bigint(20) unsigned save test db. how tell grails/gorm number bigint(20) can handle regardless of database i'm using?

long.max_value 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. number big it. using bigdecimal should fix this.

bigdecimal filenamelookup 


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