sbt - Why does the build insist on looking for Scala 2.10 version of dependencies? -

i have root build.sbt file looks this:

organization  := ""  name          := "foo-parent"  version       := "1.0-snapshot"  scalaversion  := "2.11.2"                                                                                scalacoptions := seq("-unchecked", "-deprecation", "-encoding", "utf8")  resolvers ++= seq(   "spray repo" @ "" )  lazy val root = project.dependson(rest,backend) lazy val rest = project lazy val backend = project.dependson(rest).settings(mainclass in (compile, run) := some(""), fork in run := true)  run in compile <<= (run in compile in backend) 

in both backend , rest modules scalaversion set 2.11.2, keep getting error when try compile root:

[warn]  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [warn]  ::          unresolved dependencies         :: [warn]  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [warn]  ::;1.0-snapshot: not found [warn]  :: com.acme#foo_2.10;1.0-snapshot: not found [warn]  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 

why insist on looking _2.10 versions of modules?

i couldn't tell why worked, followed this answer, , solved problem

someone had asked me in comments result of executing sbt scalaversion was. was:

[info] backend/*:scalaversion [info]  2.11.2 [info] rest/*:scalaversion [info]  2.11.2 [info] root/*:scalaversion [info]  2.10.3 [info] foo/*:scalaversion [info]  2.11.2 

after taking advice other post replacing scalaversion := "2.11.2" in root's build.sbt file with:

scalaversion in thisbuild := "2.11.2" 

i got correct result sbt scalaversion, , compile worked fine:

[info] backend/*:scalaversion [info]  2.11.2 [info] rest/*:scalaversion [info]  2.11.2 [info] root/*:scalaversion [info]  2.11.2 [info] foo/*:scalaversion [info]  2.11.2 

sbt baffles me sometimes... must confess haven't invested lot of time in understanding it.


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