java - How do I calculate numbers with If statement if more than one condition is met? -
i have edited code below changes have made. here output getting.
please enter item.imported bottle of perfume please enter price imported bottle of perfume: 47.50 continue add items? (type y) yes , (type n) no.n cart contains following @ items tax{imported box of chocolate=10.00, imported bottle of perfume=67.50} 67.50
the box of chocolate should 10.50 , imported bottle should 54.65. use debug , saw total price variable using holds 10.50 looks changes back. also, instead of reading loop has
if (item.contains("imported") && item.contains("bottle"))
it reads
else if (item.contains("imported"))
first. full code below.
public class salestax { public static void main(string[] args) { // input items shopping cart hashmap<string, string> cart = new hashmap<string, string>(); hashmap<string, string> shoppingcart = new hashmap<string, string>(); // create scanner scanner input = new scanner(; // variables char done; //boolean goods; double totalprice = 0.00; double taxprice; // pick items list. { system.out.print("please enter item."); string item = input.nextline(); system.out.print("please enter price "+ item + ": "); string price = input.nextline(); double price1 = double.parsedouble(price); totalprice += price1; //system.out.println(string.format("%.2f",totalprice)); string price2 = string.valueof(price1); cart.put(item, price2); //determine if item have additional tax if (item.contains("music")) { price1 = double.parsedouble(price); taxprice = price1 * .10; totalprice = (totalprice + taxprice); //system.out.println(string.format("%.2f",totalprice)); string newprice2 = string.valueof(string.format("%.2f", price1 * 1.10)); shoppingcart.put(item,newprice2); } else if (item.contains("imported")) { price1 = double.parsedouble(price); taxprice = price1 * .05; totalprice = (totalprice + taxprice); //system.out.println(string.format("%.2f",totalprice)); string newprice2 = string.valueof(string.format("%.2f", totalprice)); shoppingcart.put(item,newprice2); } if (item.contains("imported") && item.contains("bottle")) { price1 = double.parsedouble(price); taxprice = price1 * (.05 + .10); totalprice = (totalprice + taxprice); //system.out.println(string.format("%.2f",totalprice)); string newprice2 = string.valueof(string.format("%.2f", totalprice)); shoppingcart.put(item,newprice2); } else if(item.contains("bottle")) { price1 = double.parsedouble(price); taxprice = price1 * .10; totalprice = (price1 + taxprice); //system.out.println(string.format("%.2f",totalprice)); string newprice2 = string.valueof(string.format("%.2f", price1 * 1.10)); shoppingcart.put(item,newprice2); } else { shoppingcart.put(item, price); } system.out.print("would continue add items? (type y) yes , (type n) no."); done = input.nextline().charat(0); } while(character.touppercase(done) == 'y'); system.out.println("your cart contains following @ items tax" + shoppingcart); //+ string.format("%.2f", totalprice)); system.out.println(string.format("%.2f",totalprice)); }
use &&
operator. it's called logical , operator.
//if item contains both "imported" , "bottle" if (item.contains("imported") && item.contains("bottle")){ //code }
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