C++/OpenCV - How to index pictures for image retrieval? (and find the best image) -

i use bow flann in order index pictures inside database.(for cbir project)

what did :

  1. loop on ma database in order compute descriptors of each pictures.
  2. clustering descriptors using k-mean
  3. extraction of bowdescriptors (visual words) in order have big histogram features
  4. use flann index compute index in each pictures


// create flann lsh index cv::flann::index flannindex(this->descdescriptorbow, cv::flann::lshindexparams(12, 20, 2), cvflann::flann_dist_hamming);  cv::mat results, dists;  int k=2; // find 2 nearest neighbors  // search (nearest neighbor) flannindex.knnsearch(responsehist, results, dists, k, cv::flann::searchparams() ); 

descriptorbow contains bowfeatures of database. responsehist constains bowfeature of picture want eval.

now, have in order see best matching picture ?

can me ?


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