- MVC 4 - 500 error on JSON call -
i have started using vs2012 (yes time). have mvc 4 app.
im making json call data db render in html.
but im getting 500 internal server error can see in fiddler.
im not sure how debug because cant find see c# exception if issue is.
so im calling getrecipe in javascript.
public jsonresult getrecipe(int rid) { var recipe = _rep.getrecipe(rid); return json(recipe, jsonrequestbehavior.allowget); }
my script is
var dataservice = new function () { var servicebase = '/recipes/' getrecipeslist = function (callback) { $.getjson(servicebase + 'getrecipeslist', {}, function (data) { callback(data); }); }; getrecipe = function (rid, callback) { $.getjson(servicebase + 'getrecipe', {rid:rid}, function (data) { callback(data); }); }; return { getrecipeslist: getrecipeslist, getrecipe: getrecipe };
} ();
var renderer = new function () { renderlist = function () { dataservice.getrecipeslist(renderlistdiv); }, renderlistdiv = function (recipes) { var listdiv = $('#listdiv'); listdiv.html(""); $(recipes).each(function (index) { var table = '<table>'; table += ('<tr><td><a class="recipelink" href="#recipelist-' + this.recipeid + '">' + this.recipetitle + '</a></td></tr>'); table += '</table>'; listdiv.append(table); }); }, selectedrecipe = function (anchor) { var href = $(this).attr("href"); var rid = href.split("-")[1]; dataservice.getrecipe(rid, renderrecipe); }; renderrecipe = function (recipe) { var recipediv = $('#recipediv'); var html = '<h1>' + recipe.recipetitle + ' (' + recipe.recipeid + ')</h1>'; html += '<h4>preparation time: ' + gettimestring(recipe.preptime) + '</h4>'; html += '<h4>cooking time: ' + gettimestring(recipe.cooktime) + '</h4>'; var count = recipe.ings.length; var colmax = math.ceil(count / 2); var colleft = 0; var colright = colmax; html += '</br><table id="ingredientstable">'; (colleft = 0; colleft < colmax; colleft++) { html += '<tr>'; html += '<td>' + recipe.ingredients[colleft].units + ' ' + recipe.ingredients[colleft].measure + ' ' + recipe.ingredients[colleft].ingredientname + '</td>'; if(colright < count) html += '<td>' + recipe.ingredients[colright].units + ' ' + recipe.ingredients[colright].measure + ' ' + recipe.ingredients[colright].ingredientname + '</td>'; colright += 1; html += '</tr>'; } html += '</table>'; html += '<h4>method</h4>'; html += '<p>' + recipe.method + '</p>'; recipediv.html(html); numingredients = 0; editorform.loadeditor(recipe); }; clearrecipe = function () { $('#recipediv').html(""); }; gettimestring = function (time) { if (time < 60) return time + ' min'; return time / 60 + ' hours' }; changefont = function () { $('body').css("font-family", "comic sans ms"); }; return { renderlist: renderlist, selectedrecipe: selectedrecipe, changefont: changefont, clearrecipe: clearrecipe, };
the browser's developer tools might place additional information. in chrome can press f12 bring dev tools window. click on network tab , fire off ajax call. see failed request highlighted in red. if click on see error has been returned mvc.
i have provided screenshot in question: ajax call 'failed load resource : server responded status of 500'
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